Steem Fantasy Premier League - Gameweek 23 Overview and Match Prediction Results!

in #sfpl6 years ago

It's an interesting phase we are going through at the moment. The transfer window is open, which can make people more hesitant to use their transfers early in the week. Rumors are linking Sanchez to United, Aubameyang to Arsenal, Malcolm to Arsenal, and Ronaldo to United. All, of course, just rumors. It would spice things up if just a few major signings would be made, but for now, nothing major has happened. Same goes for the Steemit League, except, the prize pool continues to grow.

The Steemit League

The leader of the league seems to change every week. I like that. It would be boring if we had one leader who was 100 points in front of the rest. Not boring if it was me though. "Mohammad32" is back on top, with "Los Jokers" nine points behind. Kane, Son, Eriksen, De Gea, Jones, Firmino and Azpilicueta scoring his points, with Otamendi getting a negative score. @arfa also moved up a spot, giving him the fourth place for a while. As a matter of fact, Arfa is the second best scoring manager in the Steemit League with "Los Jokers" at third place. "Dinamo Bucharest" moved up in the top 10 and has joined the rest of the top 10 for the better prizes. A prize pool that seems to just increase, increase and increase. Now more than 2200 STEEM in the prize pool. The prize is not that interesting yet for the manager who had the best scoring team this match week. "Ilyas Tarar FC" scored an amazing 98 points, but is still struggling to get into top 20. With Son, Salah, Eriksen, and Arnautovic all scoring great points with Kane, and Agüero adding to the tally in the attack. Hegazi and Smalling added to the total, making his team the best for this match week. Even though he is not in the top 10, let's take a look a closer look at the standing for more in-depth numbers:

From 1st place to 2nd place: 9 points (4 points last week)

From 1st place to 3rd place: 44 points (41 points)

From 1st place to 5th place: 78 points (74 points)

From 1st place to 10th place: 106 points (105 points)

The gaps seem to get bigger and bigger, but there's still lots of time to change that. If you want to take a look at our prize pool compared to the official one, I suggest you take a look at this post

Match Prediction Winners

On 2nd place this gameweek we have 19 players with 6/10 correct predictions, congratulations to @steemitri, @bitton, @agussalim, @rizaldesu, @chalil05, @grisotti, @farahmarissa , @umukorogospel , @galasek, @baelish, @arfa, @mittymartz, @abdu84 , @steem-upvote , @calatorulmiop, @nameless16 , @anjelik, @ghazzahraa and @neo-wiza!

On first place with 7/10 correct predictions and receiving 70% out of half of the SD from the post, congratulations to @vicspics!

Payouts will be sent out after the prediction post is paid out!

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Nice gap the top 3 have there.

Used my wildcard this week for a late January charge!

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68th place in the league! Let's just say my fantasy futbol knowledge isn't near as good as my fantasy football knowledge!

El que quiso unir los dos modos de footbol fue MARADONA..... y lo sorprendente es que es un orgullo!!

Eyyyy, careful with what you call football. :D

I knew this was going to bite me!!!

you are very lucky bosses

Omg! Fantasy premier league on Steemit... I didn't see that coming 😂 ... Is it too late to join the league now? .. Since it's classic league I'll surely fit in with my little point in GW24 ... My team is waiting for your call.

Thank you :)

Entries were closed at GW2 for the league, but anyone can join the prediction games!

Then prediction games it is! Gracias.

Okay... I'll be looking forward to it! Thanks

I see first time such as anew

Fantasy premier omg- awesome-can’t wait

I will have been in top 10 of this Steemit League. Ah, I hope I have noticed about this league earlier. will surely join this league next season.Capture.PNG

Ilyas Tarar FC here. I had very bad first eight gameweeks. I wasn't playing actively or my players were sold or out of squad. That is why my 98 point haul last week is not enough to get me in top 20.

I am going to rise though. Nothing in my control but decision making. Great to be part of SPFL. On a side note, please visit me someday, @acidyo. Manual curation is hard but I can provide regular valuable content.

@acidyo how can I participate in the contest? i'm not a tipster but i love watching soccer and rugby

me too

Anyone can participate in the Math Prediction Game but the League entry was over at GW2.

Oh man could you give me a link or where can i find information about the opening of new places

Next season, after summer.

I was wondering the same. I guess I would have to wait for next season.

Are you planning to make some World Cup prediction contests? :D still a few months out but my hype is growing

Good idea. HOpefully :D

I want it's too

@acidyo can you host something like this now for minnows only?
I wanna show case my passion for soccer in
a minnows contest similar to this.
Minnows only😑

And it's the best initial obey

Would you be interested in a steemit 6 nations fantasy Rugby league?

Thanks it would help me with my bettings in real life!
(Don't gamble kids)

lol, do you bet depending on the people who guess correctly often in these?

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On first place with 7/10 correct predictions and receiving 70% out of half of the SD from the post, congratulations to @vicspics!

Also to all these Steemians for winning the second spot:

@steemitri, @bitton, @agussalim, @rizaldesu, @chalil05, @grisotti, @farahmarissa , @umukorogospel , @galasek, @baelish, @arfa, @mittymartz, @abdu84 , @steem-upvote , @calatorulmiop, @nameless16 , @anjelik, @ghazzahraa and @neo-wiza!

Good job @acidyo. Can you share the link for your discrod channel?

nice comment
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Damn! I have dropped outside of the Top 20! Lots of smart people here on Steemit, loving the competition :)

Top 3 on jet speed waoo

I want to participate. in my english manchester city. please explain about this contest

I have always been against automatic vote, if you really build relationships with other users, it implies the reading of their materials and live comments on the subject.

But, I understand that it's hard to find free time for this (every day follow updates of friends and participate in discussions). And auto-vote in a sense is an opportunity to say Hello, to express respect for your relationship. Accordingly, if you withdrew from somebody list you have lost the interest of this person to you. So your actions in this case are absolutely correct.

I have always been against automatic copy-paste comment, if you really digest content of other users, it implies you read the material was about a Steemit Fantasy Football league.

But, I understand that it's hard to compete for attention (when you are copy-pasting in every thread possible). And automatic copy-paste in a sense is an opportunity to get an upvote, to increase your wallet size. Accordingly, if you withdrew from such behavior you would increase the standing with other members of the community. So your actions in this case are absolutely incorrect.

Haha, you win.

Lol, awesome. Thanks for supporting so many things that actually manage to keep the place interesting for the rest of us.

nice comment
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nice comment
please follow me and give me vote
because your vote is very valuable to me

nice comment
please follow me and give me vote
because your vote is very valuable to me

I would like to participate..really amazing.great post

From your post you are one of the people that makes steemit a interesting place to be. Thanks

How can we attend this? I trust my football knowledge :) Good luck to all.

68th place in the league! Let's just say my fantasy futbol knowledge isn't near as good as my fantasy football knowledge!

Congrats to all winners....
Great stuff @acidyo...
Hope to be next time winner... :D

can you post the link for the prediction post ?

Today or tomorrow.

you will be winning

nice comment
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because your vote is very valuable to me

Amazing pos

Can I join the steemit fantasy league?

Not until next season :)

Darn 😔

The steemit league ???

So many people tied for 2nd place! I think last week was my worst week for predictions so far, pretty sure I only got like three games right :(

OMG.... Am seeing this for the first time. This is fantastic

This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @alaminbinamir
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or put up for adoption.
Thank-you @acidyo for supporting

nice post

sir i am new i dont know how to comment or anything
plz help me sir

when it will start again I want to contribute my part as well , I gues I am good in making guess

hehehhe i love the way you analysed this. The way you related it with the football league and came back to steemit. LOLz that was cool. But i dont quite get this game your talking about @acidyo. can you throw some light?

What an interesting contest. I watch soccer time after time. My friend is on the rugby team!)

its really nice post. its also very knowledgeable post..hope that everyone benefited from here...So good job....

This is good idea

How do I participate in the predictions? Do I predict each match's scoreline or do I just predict who will either win, draw or lose?
Do I post it as a comment or should I make a separate post with a certain tag?

Follow @acidyo. He will post before each match week with a review and a prediction game. In the post will the rules follow.

Alright, I already follow the account as well as yours. I'll be checking on his page from time to time

Oh and here's a little thing I wrote about Arsenal, please share your opinion .

I'm still not sure if I know how this works but I'm glad I won. :)))))))))))))
Cheers man!

Bring it on! GW24! GGMU!

:-( I'm 17th this week, so I don't appear in your table screenshot... Hopefully Aguero, Son, Pogba and Kane will help me climb back up!

I would love to visit there. Great article!

How are you guys organizing this contest .
**And how do i participate here **
Are you guys not available in fantasy premier league??

Interesting post and the content is good. Thanks.

Thank you for sharing

Oops! I missed the party

very excellent post
dear friend

Dear friends, I have a smallsteemian i have very need your support too.
Please do follow me will vote and your vote is very valuable to me.

Thank you @acidyo ...

As beautiful as your writing and beautiful
I see your post.
i will read your articles every day from today.
please follow me and give me a vote kindly

Interesting information.
please permit to follow you and I hope also vote from you.
Thank you very much

2 athletico madrid players on their way to swansea city maybe, come on the swans. this monday prediction swansea city 2 liverpool 2

For me, this is a very interesting discussion, because comparing the premiere league with steemit. as we know that, the market in the premiere league is currently mad. so do the steemit, the beginners, have to struggle to survive and compete with their seniors. Is not this a very crazy .... !!!!! ??

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