STEEMITS GOT TALENT Week# 1! Talent wanted! Come and make Steemit HISTORY with us! $PRIZES$ on $PRIZES$ WEEK #1 has OFFICIALLY BEGUN! (Official Ruleset in POST)

in #sgt7 years ago (edited)

The OFFICIAL, ORIGINAL starting date for the STEEMIT'S GOT TALENT has come!

Very excited to announce this, as it is something I have been working on for a while now, but something I have thought about since I began my Steemit journey in December!  So come join us here at S.G.T.!  Any TALENT is A TALENT!  Below I have stated the official ruleset set forth!  Lets rock and roll! <3

OFFICIAL RULE SET! (Submission, Judging, Payouts)

Submission Rules: 

  1. Craft a new post w/ the talent video link, Titling it "Steemits Got Talent Entry # (whatever week you are competing in)" (allowing you to curate a payout from your personal post)
  2. Comment upon the S.G.T weekly post with a link to your video (allowing you to curate rewards on the comment as well)
  3. FIRST TAG MUST BE SGT (lowercase of course)
  4. 2 ENTRIES PER PERSON! One entry may be a previously used video (posted to steemit already). The old entry used, must still be recreated to the above submission rules.  The other must be made!
  5. The contest entries will be accepted from Monday-Sunday,  although the faster the entry comes in (after Monday) the better, so your entry has more time to accumulate upvotes!

Judging Process 

  1. I am keeping it fairly basic when it comes to judging! The entry with the MOST upvotes on the S.G.T weekly post WINS! (will be counted the 7th day, Monday and payouts will be sent out by Tuesday!)
  2. Which is why it is vital to get your entry in early in the week, allowing for more time to network and promote your entry! (I will be resteeming entries as well.)
  3. There will be a judging panel which will respond to each entry,  ALTHOUGH THIS DOES NOT COUNT TO DECIDE THE WINNER, it is simply for viewing pleasure! 

The question you have all been waiting for, the PAYOUT SCHEDULE! First off, I would like to say this will be a true gamechanger that brings everyone who enters up on the platform.   

  1. % of the S.G.T weekly posts will be put right back into the contest, to improve awards.
  2. The contest will start with 1st 2nd 3rd place prizes and grow to 4th and 5th, even more (to spread out payouts, and give more people a chance to earn a reward payout.) I believe paying out smaller rewards to more people in the future will help this contest standout as not a personal money maker, but a place where we all can improve our talents and make some payout as well. 

PAYOUT SCHEDULE (To start, updates regarding 4th and 5th etc place rewards will be released prior to that weeks contest) 

  1. First Place- 30 SBD
  2. Second Place- 20 SBD
  3. Third Place- 10 SBD

Steemit is the Key... and Love is the driver! 

Discord: bambam808#0272 and of course! 

I would love to team up with some of YOU and make this one of a kind contests take off for the benefit of all of us, the Steemit community as a whole! As I have always said, FOR THE STEEMIANS, BY THE STEEMIANS! A huge shoutout to my current sponsors, without you all this contest would not have come to fruition!  I am glad to have a solid foundation, as that is the building blocks to anything in life,  IF THE FOUNDATION is poor, the building itself (this contest) would be weak.  STRONG FOUNDATION + STRONG IDEAS + STRONG COMMUNITY = POTION FOR SUCCESS FOR ALL OF THE STEEMIANS! With Love,  

Current Sponsors (updated):  

@mckenziegary/ @ftgu

 @seablue/ @jamesallen



 I look forward to any advice and comments! Thank you all!



*logo created by @rubenalexander 


Here is my first entry which is a post I already made. Just want to try and get in atlas one before the deadline to help promote and support the contest!
Have you ever heard of the Didgeridoo?? Well its an ancient wind instrument and the pros use a technique called circle breathing. Its where you breath in through your nose will simultaneously blowing air out your mouth to keep a continuous sound!
I give you Didgeridoo in a tree!

Thanks for the entry, although unless you change the title, it will not count. VIEW SUBMISSION RULES ABOVE. Although its an old post, must be recreated as a new STEEMITS GOT TALENT POST. Cant just completely copy and paste.

Ok so in order to count it still has to be a post to be an entry even if its an OLD video. I was thinking that one of the entries could just be an old post. I understand now and can fairly easily make a post to submit if I just use an old video.
Thanks for the reply.

anytime- and thank you! It can be an old video, just a new post. Once you do, please is possible delete your old entry! THank you again! and good luck!

Ok so here is my First Entry that I believe meets all guidlines of sgt tag, link to this post, proper title and posting it here in the comments!
This is a really cool event hope it goes well and thats why I am entering to help promote it and bring in more attention!

How to make a fire in a hand made earthen rocket stove!


Thanks so much! I am excited about the potential of this contest and will help to bring attention and participation to it!
Looking forward to this week!

Thank you! We are glad to have you! Its gonna be another great week :) Stay tuned for the post coming out this evening.


Wow this is a really cool contest!
I will follow you now to keep up with it. I know its late but I will also put in an entry for an "already posted" skill so to atlas make a contribution!
Also I feature really important and quality posts in my "Quinn Quality Content Curations (Q2C2)" posts and I will consider featuring the next contest in it for more exposure!

Hey guys! I would love to be apart of this contest!! Please check out my first submission! ;)

Thanks so much for your support :)

We are happy to have you! Good luck this week! Awesome videography!

Thanks buddy! :)


Thanks so much @bambam808
What a cool contest. I bet SGT will grow into a huge thing! ;)

We hope so! Glad to have you along for the ride! :)

Nice job man! Dope skills

Nice job man! Dope skills

Good luck to all the contestants. :-D

Here we go!!! let's see what you all got!!!

This is a Fantastic Post and Great Initiative to bring more people to Steemit! Great Work @bambam808 This post earned a Full Power upvote from @adsactly

WOW, Thank you very much! We hope you enjoy the entries, and the future weeks to come. Thank you for blessing SGT with a full power upvote! <3 Steem on @adsactly !

To prove my talent in STEEMITS GOT TALENT I decided to bring you one of my drawings Cristina Umaña

Thank you for your entry! Looks awesome! Good luck in this WEEK's Talent competition!

Hello friends this is my first entry into this contest I hope you like it

Thanks for joining us! Good luck in the first ever STEEMITS GOT TALENT week#1!

Thank you brother

SGT's First entry! Good luck, and may the force be with you. beautiful painting!

Thank you!


Thank you!!! I love this contest <3

We hope to see you in week #2! :)

Hey all you beautiful people.
I think this contest is an incredible idea and I am thrilled to be a part of it. This is my first contest submission:

Thank you for the entry! Good luck! :)

Thank you very much. And thank you again for creating this competition.

Glad to have you in the contest! Good luck with STEEMITS GOT TALENT week#1!

Thank you very much!

Very cool idea! Definitely going to help you spread the word :)

bows graciously Thank you! Its gonna be a great ride.

Yes! I'll take the challenge! Thanks for organizing this! Here is my first submission!

Love the support for all the Steemy talent! :)

Interesting entry! Good luck in the contest. Make sure to title the post STEEMITS GOT TALENT, as its still in its early stages, and S.G.T may not be recognized. Thanks

This post received a 3.1% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @bambam808! For more information, click here!

Fabulous idea for everyone to share their talent on Steemit.

Upvoted Resteemed Following. Simply briliant

Thank you for the love! make sure to look at the entries and give your vote!

Great idea! really :)

Thanks! We appreciate the support! Make sure to cast your vote for this weeks winners!

The person who has the most followers wins because they get the most upvotes.

Well, it does not really work that way. Not all followers upvote your posts. If that was the case, you'd become a millionaire here by simply following hundreds of accounts in the hope that they would follow you back (and by your logic, ending up upvoting all your posts).

I'd suggest you give it a shot and see how it goes. If your entry is good, I'd like to upvote you even though I'm not following you at the moment :)

love the explanation, like @rjsudeep has pointed out, we here at SGT talent to make competitions as fair as possible, which is why we are counting vote#'s instead of vote worth. Factoring each Steemian vote as a number, rather than a dollar amount to avoid having one person win with whale vote.

That's about as fair and transparent as one can get! Good going @bambam808. I hope all of @truconspiracy's doubts have been cleared! :)

I will see if I can come up with something.

Awesome @truconspiracy, that's the spirit :) Will definitely upvote your entry :)

Interesting enough... Although i have a question, if the winner is the most voted, are you still allowing upvotes by trails?... a single upvote by a trail can bring a post hundreds of upvotes, but it doesnt mean it really got this many votes...

We have backup plans were that to occur. :) It was something we had thought about early on when deciding how to handle the judging process.

Cool... I will try something for next week :D

Sounds great! week two begins tomorrow so stay tuned! :D we look forward to your entry!