
in #shitpost3 years ago


Activate normal human mode.
Remaining time 21 hours and 19 minutes.

Wakes up at 0324, can’t get more shut eye. Mindlessly scrolls the world wide web for 3 hours before getting up for coffee. Drinks coffee, forsibly consumes porridge. Gets ready, packs a school bag.

Walks to school. Gets more coffee. Is a good and diligent student for 7 hours. Consumes a salad in between studenting. Drinks more coffee. Gets released from school.

Runs errans and walks home. Unloads the school bag, packs a handbag. Heads out to interact with the fellow females of the same species. Eats the food. Talks the talks. Laught the laughs.

Warning: normal human behavior reserves depleting. Drink more water.

Normal human mode time remaining: 36 minutes.

Warning: normal human behavior at a critical level, return to charging station immediately.

Normal human mode cool off period iniated.


Normal human mode shut down in 3...2...1.

Thanks, come again soon.


Oooofff, I hear ya 7+ hours in a solid humaning form.. ! Gee, what, as if it was pre-2020? Mad respect. I couldn't do it. Best I can do is a cartoon cutout of myself and a reluctant voice activation.


I know, as if it was pre social anxiety 😝😅 Recharging will take at least 3 days.

Enjoy recharging! ^^ 🍹💚


That was the sound of a wine bottle opening.

Thanks for sharing about your day! I really like reading through these style of posts. It gives a window into peoples daily world and i think that is so good and helpful for the community here on Hive.

I don't see any reference to munkki mellakka.


Tune back in May 1st :D

I think I could not bear humaning more than one hour

It is hard for sure, but quite rewarding at times. Will hibernate for a few days now :D