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RE: Hello!


Yeah, the mom stuff sucks. I keep hoping she is going to get better, but I don’t know if it’s gonna happen.

How are you?

The working from home is pretty good. I miss the social aspect but not the commute or late dinners or having to wear a bra! 🤣😂🤣😂

I think we are never going back. We are definitely home until Jan 1, but my work has asked everyone to continue working from home even after that. So my boss declared to our “space task force” that we would commit to 90% of time working from home going forward. So crazy.


My Mom is 86 and has been in great health, but my step-dad who is the same age is WAY down the rabbit hole with dementia now and with "covid" .....there is very little help to be had. I'm afraid the stress will pull her down much faster than she should go. I don't have a solution, but I haven't given up on trying to figure something.

I'm doing well as anyone I think, being isolated and all. I'm good at being thankful for the things that are still good. 🙂

I would have missed the social aspect of work if it had not been over shadowed by a commute I didn't choose when our company moved a few years back. Many folks would think it was nothing, but I never wanted to add "getting there" and "getting home" into the hours I was gone for work in a day. I detested it so much, that not having to do it makes me so happy I would not considered trading back voluntarily.

Oh girl ! We must be kin ! I have never been so happy to have to wear a bra so little time now. Yes.... I still put it on to go out in the name of public decency, but then, I don't go out a lot now, so it helps for the "positive things" list....LOL I hate those things !