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RE: I have a better answer...

(Now I wish I would have bought some of the Bigger Gold Nuggets...)30 years have already passed, you already have coins, a chain and you could also have a mine of gold. I don't like to think about the past, I only do it to take stock of how I was before and the improvements I have today, obviously is about improving, and improving, YOU have exceeded expectations, you must feel very good


I'm in a better place than I ever thought I'd be, that's for sure... To be honest, I've been to Hell and Back... I like being Back... But during all that Time, I remained in the Present... I like calling it the Drivers Seat, because, everything that ever happens, does so in the Present... Without the Present, we would have no Life in us... We're about to enter a Period of Prosperity... It's best to be prepared when we do... Thanks for commenting... It means a lot to me...