Shocking News about Silver, Gold and Common U.S. Coinage...

in #silvergoldstackers24 days ago (edited)

2011 Buffalo Close Up....jpg
This One Ounce Gold Coin should have had a $100 Face Value instead of a $50 Face Value...

The $50 Face Value should be on our Half Ounce Gold Coins, not our One Ounce Gold Coins...

Talk about being "Bamboozled" by Agent of the Central Bank Owners...

It's not just our Coinage, it's happening with Silver and Gold Coins, all over the World...

I can't wait for the World Wide Monetary Correction to take place...

The Quicker the Better in my Book...

If an idiot like me can see the Mistakes, why is it so hard for the Smart People to see them...???

So, who's into Gold Buffalo's...

They will do very well on the other side of the Reset...

I'll probably never turn mine in, since I'm a Coin Collector...

But I sure will be buying a lot of 1/2 ounce $5 Silver Coins with my Pocket Change...

I figure, I'll be able to get a Half Ounce $5 Silver Coin for every $5 in Common U.S. Coinage I bring to the other side of the Reset...

Each $5 Silver Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 500 of today's Fiat Dollars...

On the other side of the Reset, $100 in Common U.S. Coinage, will get me a One Ounce, $100 Gold Coin...

Let that sink in for a while, since a $100 Gold Coin will have the Spending Power of 10,000 of today's Fiat Dollars...

Not many people seem to believe what I write, but it's not like I have't tried to explain why I think things will happen the way I say they will...

We're so close to the Reset that I'm probably wasting my time, writing about it...

Most people don't want to have anything to do with Common U.S. Coinage...

They prefer to use their Debit Cards with each and every purchase...

I'm the exact opposite, since I like spending Paper in order to get back some Coins with my change...

On this side of the Reset, our Coins are making change for Fiat Dollars...

On the other side of the Reset, our Coins will be making change for "Circulating" Silver and Gold Coins...

That's the part of my "Fine Tuned" version of the U.S. Monetary Correction, everyone has a hard time believing...

I may as well check to see what the U.S. Mint is selling...
When these $1 Coins go on sale, I can buy 100 Coin Bags for only $1.1750 each, "I mean" 117.50 of today's Fiat Dollars...

Sorry, I'm always measuring what things cost in "after" Reset Prices...

Things will change after the Reset, so I doubt that these Special Offers will still apply...

People will need to turn in 10,000 of today's Fiat Dollars to obtain $100 in U.S. Coinage...

On the other side of the Reset, I'll be able to bring my 100 Coin Bags to the Bank and Pick up my One Ounce, $100 Gold Coins...

No wonder, people don't believe what I write...

I sure wouldn't mind bringing a few Bags of $1 Coins to the other side of the Reset...

But I already have plenty that I'll be taking with me...

Not these, but I have plenty of the older $1 Coins, including a Thousand Ike Dollars...

I like collecting the New Quarter Dollar Coins...
These 25 Cent Coins are a must have for me, since I'll be getting the 3 Roll Set for only 60 Cents, "I mean" 60 of today's Fiat Dollars per Set...

Each $10 Roll will get me a One Ounce, $10 Silver Coin, on the other side of the Reset...

Each $10 Silver Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 1,000 of today's Fiat Dollars...

I'll be getting the 3 Roll Set for my Collection, plus any of these Coins I might find in Circulation...

I think the Ones with the San Francisco Mint Mark will be Rare, being that they're on a Circulating Clad Coin...

Notice how it's Face Value is 25 Cents, instead of saying Quarter Dollar...

Look what's coming up in July for only 76 Cents, "I mean" 76 of today's Fiat Dollars...
No wonder, I think everything's on sale...

I keep thinking in terms of "after" Reset prices...

Here's the Heavy Brown Rock "before" I started dipping it in Vinegar...
There's so much more I could reveal, but "That's all Folks" least for now...

I'm sure to return to correct all my typos, that I never notice until after I post...


I don't see many typos, it's really NOT important at least for me, in relation to the rock, it looks strange without the image we looked at previously, it seems that something is missing, or is it ME who see this when looking .

The way it looks is why it took me so long to figure out its secret... I figured the Green was the Copper, but the Green was only coming to the Surface of the Copper... It's the Copper that was holding "the gold" captive... The Gold Particles were all Microscopic and very hard to see, until the Copper was dissolved and the Microscopic Gold started to Stick together... It just looked like Heavy Brown Rock... Little did I know what was hiding inside... Seeing all that Orange Stuff appearing our of nowhere, was a total surprise to me...

Maybe the question begins with why do smart people choose not to see?

I'm not sure if it's a matter of choice... One either sees or they don't...

One can know a truth and still follow a lie. << I would direct that more toward those who hold the cogs of control over a governance. Choosing not to see keep the balance that is.

On a general sense. I think many know and still make choices that do them no good. Many like myself get lost in the how to make the change.

A majority know but dismiss what they know for things they are told by a piece of glass they carry in their pocket.

In general everyone see's, From the politician and those above to those who labour in whatever colour shirt and the labourer in the mud and dirt alongside the social spongers. All see, None see a solid way to change things except for one. The opinion there is to create the FED all over again with a new form. Decentralised.

I have good reason to believe the Federal Reserve System now belongs to "We the people"... Get ready for the U.S. Monetary Correction...

Until the next politician say 50 Billion to Ukraine. lol.

We've got that taken care of too...

Time will show me this :).
Should you care to discuss further. Discord might be a better place. TheHive#4070

What is the Reset?

The Fiat USD's are reaching the end of the line... There's less than 1% Spending Power remaining in each Fiat Dollar... We the People are going to return to "Circulating" Silver and Gold "Coins"... You can call it a Reset or a Monetary Correction... In other words, we're going to Correct the Mistakes we made with our Monetary System... We have already taken Control of the Federal Reserve System... We'll be eliminating Digital Fiat Dollars with our New Electronic Coinage that will be 100% backed by our Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium Coins... If you don't already know, our Common U.S. Coinage is going to increase 100 Fold in Spending Power, in order to "make change" for our New Product Line of Circulating Silver and Gold Coins...

Absolutely bruv, the quicker the better... I guess everyone that understands is eagerly waiting to see this Happen

I was lucky enough to see it coming 7 plus years ago...

That's so great luck because 7 plus years is enough time to really prepare

It's easier than waiting for the last few days... I've been getting free Gasoline for about 2 years now, because I always get 50 Cents back with my change... If I hand the cashier 40 Paper Dollars, I'll say 39.50 on Pump 7... If my Bills come to 1.500 per month, I can pick up a Couple Rolls of Quarters at the Bank... Each Roll of Quarters will have the "Spending Power" of 1,000 of today's Fiat Paper Dollars... Sometimes my Food is Free, depending on how much Coinage I get back with my change...

Damn...😂😂😂 Ma boy found the code to break through the matrix... Smart moves

It's fun being

Absolutely I can only imagine..... And it's great to know you bruv

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