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RE: Thoughts on the @ssg-community proposal

You are 100% correct, if your are smart enough to be a stacker your are diffently smart enough to come up with a post that is about the one thing we all love so dearly. When we started this it was very import to have the delegation, this was the life line for SSG. But just like most things in life " if you don't stir up then you're left with 2 flavors in one cup. Just a simple stir and you have one flavor. One thing I can say is this..... friendship doesn't mean we talk everyday, it doesn't mean that we will even talk every week. What it does mean is when we do talk we enjoy that moment, like there was never a period of not talking. I have a lot of friends in this group that I still talk to one on one in discord. I would hope that each and everyone of them feel like I have their back and if they ever need something all they have to do is ask. Thats my definition of community and friendship all in one. Appreciate you @summertooth.


Thanks Ray! You 100% have the highest standards when it comes to the bot and what it votes on and I know you pay attention to what is going on here, even if you have not been posting or commenting much. I waste spend a lot of time on discord and I can say, in my experience you are always available and usually show up on short notice.

I love what you said about friendship,

What it does mean is when we do talk we enjoy that moment, like there was never a period of not talking.

Spot on dude, both in our community and in "real life" ;)

Thanks for all you do for #silvergoldstackers