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RE: Phase One of the U.S. Monetary Correction...

in #silvergoldstackerslast month (edited)

Wow it was a wise move removing the circulating silver and gold coins... Too low a face value could turn into a mess....

I trust your experience so would want to know what your thoughts are on the value of US dollar if the BRICS nation Should release their very own currency?


The Fiat USD will be Redeemed at a 100 to 1 Exchange Rate, which will actually boost its Spending Power, since there is less that 1% Spending Power Remaining... I figure the U.S. Treasury will offer a Full 1%... This tells me that "Physical" Fiat USD will be the Best Fiat Currency to be holding at the time of the Reset... The BRICS will back their Currencies with a Basket of Commodities (including Gold) which will not be Stable... The United States will back its Currency with Silver, Gold, Platinum and Palladium "Coins" which "will" remain Stable... Fiat Dollars belong to the Central Bank Owners who Rent out their Fiat Dollars and charge Rental Fees that they call "interest" to keep us confused... Our U.S. Dollars will be interest free... U.S. Dollars are much different that the Fiat "Central Bank Owners" Dollars... U.S. Dollars will increase 100 Fold in Spending Power... We the People own the Rights to all United States Coinage... I've been holding onto every U.S. "Coin" I can get my hands on... Our Common U.S. Coinage (if I'm right) will out perform Silver, Gold and all the Cryptocurrencies... The BRICS System "will not" be Stable, but our U.S. Coinage "will" be Stable... I'm referring to Phase One of the Reset, but there will be Two more Phases to go, which may take Decades to make it to Phase Three...

Woooooow Man, you have made me happy one more time, I was scared about the value of the US dollars I own and I'm saving and investing..... Now I've realized that I'm using a safe currency....

For real man I got very scared... I think the methods being used for the US FIAT are very good in keeping it stable....

You literally sent me to school... Thanks so much man🥰👌🫡 #respect

The Fiat Dollar is not Stable... But it will be the Best "Physical" Fiat Currency to be holding at the time of the World Wide Monetary Reset... You'd be 100 times better off holding Common U.S. Coinage... If you can't get your hands on Common U.S. Coinage, your best bet would be to get your hands on Silver Bars, Rounds or Coins... The United States will soon be "Redeeming" Fiat Dollars... One Fiat Dollar will only get me One Cent in Paper, Electronic or Common Coinage... You'd be better off turning in your Fiat Dollars now, for Common Coinage, "if" at all possible...

Wow this is absolutely amazing... I'll definitely be saving up for this 🤩😍😍😍😍