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RE: Master of none

in #skills3 years ago

Maybe it makes them feel better about themselves or something, not sure how that works exactly. Some of them might even think they are encouraging while saying those things.

Keep going, it is your journey, not theirs. No time is wasted when doing what you love.


The act of giving a shit can be one of the hardest and least rewarding behaviors.

Excuse me? You're about to get hit by a bus. "Don't tell me how to walk and where!" Splat.

But I don't think those naysayer types are giving a shit when attempting to protect one from something that won't hurt to try. It's their own fear of failure, I think. They don't want others to go through that pain. But all that will ever lead to is a world of nothingness, where nothing gets done.

LOL! I'm just trying to sound smart.