
There was mention of your new 'decks' platform and the possibility of adding 'short form' content. It was suggested it would be your own independent feature, however, there are already 2 awesome short-form content providers on Hive (Dbuzz and LeoThreads).

It would be great to see one or both of these projects 'built in' to the new deck feature, or the ability for all communities/front ends to use the short form feature. Hive's decentralised nature is great, but without some form of cooperation between projects, everyone is trying to build the same tools and lessen their effectiveness.

Imagine an open-source development that allowed 'outposts' to use some of the awesome Ecency features for example, it would allow them to take things to the next level and help further onboard 'new' users to Hive as a whole.

That's exactly what we are doing. We will incorporate threads and buzzes, so far we doing internal tests, it is looking great. Stay tuned, release is coming soon.

That’s awesome! Can’t wait to test it out, been using Ecency as my main posting platform for some time! Love the community events in discord also. Keep up the great work!

Would be awesome to have some open source tools to advance ‘outposts’ on hive too! Let’s highlight the best of what Hive has to offer and make the on boarding process as easy as possible! There’s so much for new users to learn, love the intricate simplicity of Ecency.