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RE: What do you say to a teenager caught smoking?

in #smoking4 years ago

How great that your daughter turned to you. Sounds like your relationship with her is going well.

I was both the parent and the 'naughty' teenager in such situations. In fact, I was way, way, naughtier than them. That I know of anyway! 😁

I think "getting the message" across is not worth focussing on. Sounds like you did a great job anyway.

she knows it was a bad idea

That's the key sentence for me. I stressed a lot more with my first trying to get things right and then I noticed that, most of the time, kids have a wisdom of their own (as we all do), so with my second I stepped back more and let him work stuff out for himself. He did an excellent job at it.

They know a lot more than we give them credit for in my experience. What she wanted from you was support so she could deal with the expected fall out from her mum and you gave her that. She has her own wisdom about smoking! 😍


Thank you :)

Yes it is personally a nice feeling to feel required, and I think I did OK with not over-doing it with the smoking talk - are teenagers ever listening to do's and dont's?!

They know a lot more than we give them credit for...

I'm sure, and I think she'll figure it out. These years are rocky eh, and so i'm happy to be the travelers rest, if nothing else :)


What @gillianpearce said :)
Lovely that she was able to come to you, great to have that relationship.

Yep, the designated soft touch :) It is nice, I feel useful again!

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