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RE: If you could change ONE (1) thing about current social media platforms, what would you change?

in #socialmedia4 years ago

A limit of posts per day regarding the quality. So many post just random boring stuff and it is all almost garbage. Example: I woke up, I took a selfie, I post. I ate a muffin oh my, let's post that. I think I have to use the bathroom, but look how nice the light is on my face, selfie time, post. This kind of thing. I want to see meaningful content, engaging, smart, educational. I am tired of the nonsense people post just to feel better about their sad life. I want quality and filters off. I am active only here. I resent Facebook for the falsity of the pictures there, their real life is sad while they post happy faces. no.


I see where you doing and you are right.
I’ve said that to people that I’m trying to attract to the network don’t just put your 1 photo and expect to make money out of it.
Create a good content and you’ll see results.
I’m working on growing Bulgarian network here on hive but not many are getting the potential and the idea behind it.
Just my few of my friends are @lyubo19 , @velino86 , @bulgarianmermaid

On another side I told them bring all of your Facebook friends here and then just post 1 photo and you’ll see money coming from your friends once we have mass addiction on the blockchain.

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