Netflix's Cuties... Much Worse Than You Thought!

in #society4 years ago (edited)

How the glamorization of sexualizing minors is going to fight the sexualization of minors?

To get a small idea of why Cuties has been targeted by the "hashtag cancelnetflix", you have to watch the 2 video segments from Twitter on DailyCallerand the one here below.

We are not going to expound much on it because we agree with many people here. We just wanted to give you the heads-up. It is extremely encouraging to see how fast the public is reacting to this movie release though.

The word "pedophilia" is no longer a taboo as the awareness is growing exponentially.

The real scandal has nothing to do with the script, which is pretty average in our view after reading several synopses and having listened to a few spoiler-alerts.

The real scandal lies in the way the scenes are shot and the "lascivious body language" adopted by the girls (who are still prepubescent) as if the director was filming professional strippers.

We can already imagine that these 11yo girls are going to look at their performance very differently in a few years from now and very likely be upset at their parents for having sold them to the child pornography networks.

Yes, that is right, this film was done for them above all.

Those lauding this feature film tag it as a "coming of age" type of story and quickly call anybody disagreeing with them "bigots and rightwingers". Hollywood critics have obviously been paid to silence other reviewers.

This movie is an absolute abomination. And we do not mince our words here.

There are other clips available on YT and Twitter if you know how to search. But the agenda to sexualize children is now out in the open.

The Pandora Box won't close anymore. It is too late now. Bring it on!

UPDATE: we came across this article 3 days after this blog release

Sundance Film Festival co-founder pleads guilty to sexual abuse of a child
Prosecutors charged Van Wagenen with inappropriately touching a girl between the ages of 7 and 9 on two occasions between 2013 and 2015 in two northern Utah cities.


The Worst Scene in Cuties

Ted Cruz calls for DOJ investigation into 'Cuties' filmmakers and Netflix. The film could violate child pornography federal laws, the senator says

Tulsi Gabbard joins #CancelNetflix campaign, calls 'Cuties' child porn as GOP lawmakers ask DOJ to charge streaming service

“Cuties,” the Extraordinary Netflix Début That Became the Target of a Right-Wing Campaign

Netflix defends 'Cuties' as 'social commentary' against sexualization of children...

Cuties’ Director Speaks Out Amid Backlash Film Sexualizes Children, Netflix stands by the film, calling it "a social commentary against the sexualization of young children."

‘Cancel Netflix’ Backlash Grows Over ‘Cuties’ Film’s Sexualization of Young Girls

A petition on calling on Netflix customers to terminate their subscriptions over “Cuties” and on the streaming platforms “that exploits children and creates a disturbing vibe,” currently has overs 650,000 signatures.


Peak insanity in society has arrived when this abomination gets produced, in the name of 'art'.
(Cultural marxism doing it's victory lap).

exactly and it is even worse when aware of all the pedophilia going on...

and I'm adding this to the blog by the way, but movie critics will not touch that one
Sundance co-founder was surely applauding,

Sundance Film Festival co-founder pleads guilty to sexual abuse of a child

I'm posting an excerpt of a video I came across yesterday -it will chill you to the bone. (it takes a lot to disturb me, and I was gobsmacked!)

....Give me an hour to upload it (on threespeak)

and I'm adding this to the blog by the way, but movie critics will surely not touch that one
Sundance co-founder was surely applauding,

Sundance Film Festival co-founder pleads guilty to sexual abuse of a child