Scientists: Earth Is Not The Best Place To Live Anymore

in #society4 years ago (edited)

Today we have spent a couple of hours reading between the lines here. What could all this mean, knowing that Elon Musk has been talking of colonizing mars to escape the earth, should something horrendous happen to the latter.

Musk doesn't care about the cost, he regards mars as life insurance and even envisages to NUKE the red planet to start terraforming it, wrote CNN last February. Even though scientists don't always take him seriously, Musk acknowledged that terraforming will be extremely resource-intensive.

Musk is definitely selling us a story: a new subliminal programming!

The story of terraforming the blue planet now becomes more than ever plausible. This is the whole point of talking about it happening on mars so that the audience gets used to the idea. We already have shared with you several of our (sci-fi) projections.

So here comes another article describing the earth as a less desirable environment that might be on the brink of becoming hostile. Well you know, climate change could kill us all, we are told endlessly. Either such an article aims at convincing people that more drastic measures are needed to purify and geoengineering the climate or completely terraforming our planet.

We have to understand that Musk, Gates, and other people like them, are merely foreshadowing what lies around the corner. They represent billions of dollars and mesmerize the crowds every time they open their mouths. So now scientists are attempting to depict the planet in a way to obtain people's consent already. Such a manipulation operates in several stages. That's stage #1, we think.

Earth is not necessarily the best planet in the universe for life, a new study has found. Researchers have found some 24 planets that are "superhabitable", offering conditions more suitable for life than they are here on Earth. And some of them even have better stars than our own Sun, the researchers said. (

This is "straight conditioning" as there is "originally" nothing wrong with our planet which was very lush and full of life until the beginning of industrialization, 100 years or so ago. And of course, such a baseless statement protects corporations from being responsible for any wrongdoing.

They also looked for planets that are about 10 percent larger than Earth, with the idea that they are likely to have more habitable land. More mass would also mean that they would keep their interior heating longer, and stronger gravity to keep hold of its atmosphere for more time. (

Scientists are even pretending to be omniscient as if they knew all the secrets of the Universe. Earth biosystems are so complex, yet they want us to trust those (same scientists) who have never able to foresee that we're aggressively damaging the ecosystem.

The criteria for a 'superhabitable planet' includes small islands separated by oceans, rather than large continents. These include being slightly warmer, larger, older and wetter than planet Earth

Here are they, pedaling "Bora Bora" fairytales. Unless a planet has 2 or 3 suns, the latter will have a North and South Poles to start with and this also means (much) colder areas.

We call their investigation into "superhabitable planets", which are of course financed by taxpayers, a total distraction from the direst problems humanity has ever faced. Such science is really dangerous because it will manipulate whatever study to support any elite agendas.

It is not too late to replenish the earth but we need to act very fast and accept that without an economy dictated by the needs to respect biodiversity, we will continue to gravely endanger humanity.

In the best-case scenario, and we'll leave at that, Musk is completely deluded. But please note that as a matter of fact, he already envisions that trade between the two planets won't be quantified in terms of "economic exchange" but "intellectual property."

We wouldn't be surprised that Musk understands the value of a money-free society. He just knows how to "sales pitch".



Is it likely that there are planets that would be nicer than earth to live on? Yes.

So what?

keep your head in the sand... at the pace we are destroying the earth for profits (because people would do anything for money), that is obvious... the insect population is down 70%... scientists would rather tell us that the grass is greener elsewhere instead of facing the poisoning of the planet by science.

If that were actually the case, then science wouldn't be telling us that the flying insect population may be down 70%, now would they?

Nonsense on top of nonsense.

science does NOT do anything, chemicals and plastic are still being spilled 24/7

science IS the PROBLEM

but who cares, you say that GMOs is good and exploitation is a must for corporate profits.. go figure. I will not answer your denial any more

Ah sweet! Another chance to show what people can DO when presented with a problem, instead of whining on and on.



These people saw the problem of plastics and are DOING something about it, and we all can help!

They have a 10 year plan to cleanup 90% of ocean plastics, but that's not all! They are going for the source of ocean plastics: rivers. They have developed river cleaning systems of which at least 3 are now operating in the most polluting rivers. Get enough of these river collectors going and that will catch 80% of plastic before it reaches the ocean!



Tell me, what has your whining about money ever accomplished except laughter?