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RE: Being A novice astronomer

in #space4 years ago

I have always been interested in space and to be honest during science study's at school space was the topic I focused on the most I just found it very interesting.

I literally cannot understand anyone who doesn't think this way!

From the first time I ever watched an episode of Star Trek...

Space the final frontier...

I was like, YES exactly, that's IT!

When I look to the night sky I wonder... Oh man do I wonder?

You know all the questions as well as I do...

I got rid of a telescope last year that had been sitting in my garden shed for years. The second it had gone I was kicking myself for being far too lazy to learn how to use it properly, it wasn't as straight-forward as I had expected at the time of purchase.

I 100% anticipate buying another, better one soon. I would very much like to post about the images I capture from time to time. An opportunity will present itself to upgrade to a better telescope when the time is right. I am a firm believer that if you have a passion things just fall right periodically, when the time is right.

Carry on with the journey as an amateur astronomer Chris, you will take the step up soon enough my friend.

I wonder if you can see Halifax from East Anglia? 😁 If not, maybe you should look into transport options? Ahahaha 😁 I know I'm bad... Very, very bad LOL