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RE: --

in #spanish4 years ago

First of all I want to thank you for your wonderful visit, your encouragement and the joy that brings me your comment. I can assure to you that this is a fictions story, nothing to do with our close reality. ;)
I also suspect that you have a very accurate clue on the inspiration and spins of this story, we'll see if we both find answers in the next file! In any case there's in this story a mix up from imagination, tradition and reality. And a real Hope for a Better Future!!
I send you lots of hugs, dear Friend!! I wish always Light for you and your loved ones!!


Yes, my dear friend ...

"I also suspect that you have a very accurate clue on the inspiration and spins of this story, we'll see if we both find answers in the next file!"

... perhaps I do. I'll look forward to finding out! 😉

More hugs and good wishes for you and yours my dear Friend!! 🤗 🙂