Naive Curiosity

in #spanish3 years ago
Curiosity is inherent to human beings, it makes us innovative and creative, because by being curious we enter the world of knowledge, discovering contents that make us fly like Peter Pan in Neverland.


Curiosity is one of the characteristics of childhood. Even as a newborn -¿right? - the newborn, with his eyes still without a defined shape, observes his mother's face, looks for the direction of his father's voice, that sound that provoked little kicks in his mother's womb. The first day of a baby is to be alert, studying every movement of everything around him. The baby only observes as it gains months in its chronological age.

Curiosity that is changing as does the wrinkled skin of pink or purple appearance, a feature that develops in its crawling, no longer need an adult to carry him in his arms to the places that feed his interest, only that he will have a limitation, apart from the balance he must learn to maintain on his knees and little hands ¿What? The heights, so his curiosity will be the same size as his size in four little legs.

¡Oh NO! To climb everything, he already has a means of transportation. The walker has arrived in the life of that curious little person with short speed, now it can take enough propulsion to try to run over the pet.

¡But not everything is for the benefit of the curious little person! The walker doesn't allow him to reach all the nooks and crannies he wants to discover, it stops him as if he were driving a fire truck.

¿And what comes next? The growth of curiosity, this time walking, at first like the acrobat walking on a tightrope, achieving stability with his arms, like the most daring circus performer using the counterweight pole. Although, sometimes he needs to lean on walls, chairs and mom's legs, but soon he will achieve balance without holding on to anything.


¡From there, there's no stopping him! Neither will his mother, because in just a few seconds he will become Gasparin, the little ghost who will disappear guided by his curiosity. His mother will find him thanks to the silence that sounds like Diana's 5 am wake-up call.

¿What is he doing? -Mom, I'm just confirming that your son is already independent-, he will not only eat what he wants, but he will also move wherever his curiosity takes him. And wherever you forbid him to be, it will be his favorite place to visit, a reaction that even as adults we manifest, ¿don't we?

¡And what can I tell you, when that curiosity is educated!
He arrives home as if he had had coffee, ¿is it normal? Yes, because the didactic games guided by the "MAE" as a specialist, stimulates them to discover.


Do not be alarmed to hear new words in their usual conversation, everything is a result of interacting with children their age, it is as if they share behavioral tactics.

Let the naïve curiosity of childhood fly, just make sure as an adult that the little person has a safe environment in which to develop their skills without any risk, teaching them that they must follow guidelines ¡Every object they look at is not a toy!


Life is a highway of teachings, where you travel depending on the streets, sometimes you need support and other situations do not warrant it, usually that support comes from nearby hands that assemble pillars preventing it from falling, but not always those hands are visible which means that this support is manifested in another way and guide until it is shown that it is ready to continue alone.