Lo inesperado es l que te cambia la vida || The unexpected is what changes your life [Esp-Eng]

in #spanish3 years ago

Bienvenidos Hivers a mi espacio./ Welcome Hivers to my space

Queridos lectores hoy no es mi mejor día porque hay un mar de ideas revueltas en mi mente, sin contar con todos los sentimientos que acumulo y no dejo mostrar porque no es mi naturaleza y quizás sea esa la causa de mis conflictos personales hoy.

Dear readers, today is not my best day because there is a sea of mixed up ideas in my mind, not counting all the feelings I accumulate and don't let it show because it is not my nature and perhaps that is the cause of my personal conflicts today.



Un poco sobre mí/ A little bit about me

Para que tengan una idea de como soy, les diré brevemente que crecí en una familia de 7 hombres donde todos tenían una personalidad diferente pero con dos características en común, la primera es que son muy fuertes y la segunda son muy independientes así que me repetían constantemente "tú eres sola y no necesitas de nadie" las cuales me tomé literalmente.

To give you an idea of how I am, I will tell you briefly that I grew up in a family of 7 men where they all had a different personality but with two characteristics in common, the first is that they are very strong and the second is that they are very independent so they constantly repeated to me "you are alone and you don't need anyone" which I took literally.



En mis 30 años he pasado por diferentes situaciones y gracias a Dios de todas he salido bien, pero sola. Lo que quiere decir que para mí es normal no la soledad, sino resolver las cosas sola sin ayuda de nadie, aun si estoy conviviendo con otras personas, siempre he sido bastante reservadas con mis cosas y hasta ahora para mí todo este tipo de cosas eran normales.

In my 30 years I have gone through different situations and thanks to God I have come out well, but alone. This means that for me it is normal not to be lonely, but to solve things alone without help from anyone, even if I am living with other people, I have always been quite reserved with my things and until now for me all this kind of things were normal.


Aprendiendo de nuevo/ Learning Again

Hasta hoy que convivo con un hombre que realmente es maravilloso, cariñoso y trabajador, no solo laboralmente sino que se esfuerza cada día porque las cosas sean mejores entre nosotros, ya que no soy fácil de llevar, soy muy cerrada y estoy acostumbrada a ser independiente, por lo que esto ha chocado bastante entre nosotros porque él es todo lo contrario, está acostumbrado a trabajar en equipo y hacer las cosas en conjunto. Entonces mi forma de ser lo hace sentir como si él no fuese parte de mi familia o de mi vida, pero eso no es así, claro que él es parte de mi vida y quiero que eso sea así siempre pero sé que no puedo cambiar de un día para otro la forma de vida de la que vengo acostumbrada, sin embargo esto no quiere decir que no este dispuesta o que no quiera hacerlo.

Until today I live with a man who is really wonderful, loving and hardworking, not only in terms of work, but he strives every day to make things better between us, because I am not easy to manage, I am very closed and I am used to being independent, so this has clashed quite a bit between us because he is quite the opposite, he is used to working as a team and doing things together. So my way of being makes him feel like he is not part of my family or my life, but that is not so, of course he is part of my life and I want that to be so always but I know that I cannot change from one day to another the way of life I am used to, however this does not mean that I am not willing or that I do not want to do it.


Aunque sé que es solo cuestión de tiempo mejorar y aprender contar con mi pareja, pero el proceso es incomodo mas para él que para mí, ya que él es demasiado colaborador y un motor de energía todos los días, pero aún así estamos aprendiendo uno del otro. No somos perfectos pero tenemos algo en común que se llama Amor y disposición.

Although I know it's only a matter of time before I get better and learn to count on my partner, the process is more uncomfortable for him than for me, as he is too collaborative and an engine of energy every day, but we are still learning from each other. We are not perfect but we have something in common called Love and willingness.



Cada día seguimos adelante y no dejamos de trabajar juntos por alcanzar todo lo que deseamos, de todas formas nuestro amor es una historia que apenas está comenzando a escribirse y quedan muchos capítulos por contarles. Nos vemos pronto, abrazos

Every day we keep going and we don't stop working together to achieve everything we want, however our love is a story that is just beginning to be written and there are many chapters to be told. See you soon, hugs.


Take it easy... that's my recomendation. Whatever has to happen will happen anyway. It's more natural to go as you feel confortable going then forcing something you are not yet prepared to like or appreciate.

That does not mean you can't or shouldn't explore, but never change your life just because someone says you should. Try it yes! But if you don't like, change it back to what you had before.

Hi, first of all thank you for reading me and giving me a recommendation, which I will keep in mind.

Nobody should make us change, we are the ones who decided to do it, to be better people.
And if what we do is not what we need then being ourselves is always the best

Spot on!

Hello dearest friend @millyzev, Still our lifetime we're learning and gaining knowledge every single moment. So maybe we make mistakes and opposite views. Sometimes we did clashes with our closed one or with others. Slowly we can understand each others lives. But need enough time for it.

Every day we keep going and we don't stop working together to achieve everything we want

That's the point. So both you can keep going with previous experience. Have a wonderful weekend. Be safe.

Hello dear @madushanka you always have something nice and wise to say, thanks for reading me and giving me good recommendations.

Have a good weekend, hugs and greetings

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