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RE: Spirituality vs Religion [my Thoughts, Post Yours]

in #spirituality6 years ago (edited)

I totally agree with you. There are all types that define themselves and are at all different levels. There are many fakes. I think we can see those at a level below us and a few above. but those above us it is hard to tell all the time.

as a former atheist, I would say you probably are one because you've never thought there would be any reason to not be. that is why I was an atheist, I could so no reason in it, why worship something that patently tells you it isn't going to listen to you, can see no results.

All that changed for me when I hit the rock bottom, contemplated suicide, and in desperation searched for ways out. then I had a hint, a glimmer that another possibility existed. that all hope was not lost, that the world, while being a crazy, insane place, with crazy, insane rulers... I was not subject to them if I were to learn power within, the power that was given to me, and learn to use it.

in short, I discovered that there are no accidents, that regardless of whether you believe it or not, that is how your life is being shaped. I saw it without a doubt, that I was on a path of sorts, a soul path. I tried, successfully, to see that every incident had a purpose, a reason, and it was at the soul level that I could understand it.

With that I gave it more of my attention, put more effort into learning how to manage it. It was the law of attraction that I now give the most weight to. not because I simply believe it, but because I now know it to be the case. that I have seen the results. the craziest secret is that in wanting you create the reality of you wanting. so to want doesn't work, you must get into the feeling place of having it.

Once you do that your whole world starts to change. I started to ask questions, I saw things like 'knock and the door is opened' and found they in fact where. that every question I could ask was answered if I would keep my eyes open. I started to find myself learning all sorts of esoteric and crazy secrets of the world. It was a journey of disillusionment and enlightenment. can't say the journey is done yet, probably never will, but it has changed my world experience to a more pleasant one. I can now see people as they really are, I am no longer surprised by their actions. I have become aware thru meditation. there is more to silence, the 'vocal mind' may talk a lot, but knowing is far more powerful.

you have all the answers, but if you are asking outside yourself, you'll never find them like you will when you start to ask yourself and expect the answers to come to you. (but by come to you, that also means following your inspiration, your attention)


Sounds like you have a spiritual faith that thing at at the core.

I don't think your view and mine are to far removed from each other I place faith in my will free of interference and you have faith your will with the power of guidance

From what you shared you maybe interested in biofeedback and alpha thinking created in the 1970s.

Also check out the small book as a man thinketh

yes, I agree you seem to be rather close in view. I recognize another free mind when I see it! : ) I thought I'd share how/why I came to believe in a power connecting all things.

I am interested in biofeedback, but do believe you can do it without machinery, by being quiet in mind you can sense when you have been 'taken by thought'.

Pretty sure I've read it, but I found an audiobook of it and will give it another listen. thanks for the recommendation.