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RE: Relive tension while sitting long hours for work or gaming

in #splinterland3 years ago

Nice to meet you as well. I have an Apple Watch and an iPhone as well so they count steps pretty well for me. But even otherwise almost every smart phone is capable of counting steps as long as you take it with you. If you need help with finding apps, let me know and I would be happy to help.

I used to be more active physically pre Covid, I used to play some sports so it was a lot of fun but don't do any of that now. Just walking :)


Hi, I am sorry for the late reply, I did not have enough to comment. Thank you so much for the kind offer to help! I will remember that. Covid changed so much ah... It is so good to be out and walking. Do you walk in the city or more countryside areas? Have a nice day.

No problem at all :) Covid has changed many things for sure. I am in between, neither a city, not a countryside, I am in the suburbs.