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RE: What are your Splinterlands plans?

in #splinterlands2 years ago

The prices seem to be really high, especially in a bear market.

However, seeing as the TD game accepts DEC and RW accepts only payment in SPS, I feel like it's an attempt to burn the bloated amount of DEC/SPS in the system.

Nevertheless, I'm still on the fence about buying 50 packs of RW for the promo card. As for the TD, I think I'll sit that one out till I see a more concrete release date. Splinterlands is unfortunately notorious for not meeting their overly ambitious datelines. (aka Land 😅)


seeing as the TD game accepts DEC and RW accepts only payment in SPS, I feel like it's an attempt to burn the bloated amount of DEC/SPS in the system.

Not sure about burning... If I understood well, the SPS from sales will go to DAO, which will come back to the market (one day)... Don't know where will DEC go, but we will see very soon how they will perform...

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