My Prediction for What Will Happen After the Splinterlands Name Hiding Change Happens

in #splinterlands2 years ago

An additional change that we plan to release over the next few weeks is that the game will hide the name of your opponent in ranked battles until both players have submitted their teams. You will still be able to see the opponent's rating and last 5 battles. We hope that this change will help prevent some of the "win trading" going on and help prevent bots or automated scripts from being able to get additional information about their opponents than is available through the game website.

Some of my predictions for how player behavior will change:

#1 Surrendering to players will make zero sense what so ever. You should always play even if your opponent is overpowered.

The reason is if the only information before a match to your opponent is your last five matches, then you want to play every match so that your opponent has as little information as possible on your card collection. Maybe even purposely varying what Splinters you play so your opponent has no idea what your daily quest or favorite splinter is.

#2 Doing the daily quest will be easier as people surrender less often.

This is assuming #1 is correct. If it is then doing the daily quest will be easier since people will surrender less often.

#3 People will have more varied decks. Instead of having one strong splinter, maybe they will have two or three.

I'm not really sure about #3. That one's probably a coinflip probably as old habits die hard.

Final Thoughts

I watch a lot of Splinterlands content on Youtube and this will make watching Splinterlands tournaments or live play on Youtube a whole lot more entertaining IMO. It will level the playing field.

This will shuffle the leaderboard rankings without a doubt, though those with more complete card collections will obviously still reign supreme over those with less. After all, power is still power.