My Rental adventure 2023 - 34 weeks later, as the summer is gone

in #splinterlands11 months ago

Splinterlands latest news are:

  • The next Riftwatchers airdrop is here, on Tuesday September 12, a nice high HP, self-healing, ranged and magic reflect Gladiator card called Sea Wreck, which seems like a nice tank. The odds are 0.4% per eligible pack, with a guaranteed card for every 250 packs you bought. Check it out:

 " "rf airdrop sea wreck.png""

  • GLX and GLUSD are now accepted to buy Credits in-game on Splinterlands. Y0u need to have them on the Hive-Engine, though. Tested the cash-to-crypto payment too, works quite well, even with the card, Apple Pay and GPay.
  • The Land 1.5 upgrade is happening next month, in first two weeks of September, I believe, and it will be a lot of DEC ready to be traded, to get all those lands ready. I am not yet prepared, with probably enough cards for maybe 20 lands, and not enough DEC yet. Runi are ready to be used on this upgrade, we were told. Check the latest news in here:
  • You can now buy Riftwatchers with DEC. 5000 for 1 pack. It was a proposal almost ready to offer RW packs for 100 SPS, as a way to get some more SPS out of our hands, but this may only help major SPS holders and whales, I think, and not so much the common player, while the packs are quickly sold and out of our hands.
  • Soulkeep and Genesis League Goals are in the final stages, and you can play them soon, as average player. Genesis League is Open Beta from 04/08/2023. Soulkeep proposal to pay more rewards than initially scheduled was approved.
  • Check the new updated roadmap, we are getting there, with some work to be done on the land feature soon, but there is some worrying feeling, as quite few old-time players stopped being active in the game, with the profit going down. We need new players, and some easy way to onboard them. This is the improvement that I would like to see.

As for my Splinterlands plans, this season was better with Diamond I reached, so I did not need to struggle in Gold anymore, as My Chaos Legion core cards are all max level now, and the leveling of the Riftwatchers cards is on the schedule, with few more cards upgraded. I may focus on upgrading some of my summoners next, now that they are cheaper then before, as we were informed that they will not be used for land.

Rental stats:

***@Mightyrocklee’s **

Cards 753/790


CP: 1,233,352.25 (5,775) (112,759.25)

Account Worth: 12,495.878 $

Rental Income: 66.790/125.190 DEC

**3.2% y ROA **

Rental Expenses: 0.000 DEC

For Sale: 0.000 $

As I have started this few seasons ago (beginning of November 2022), these are my stats:

Chaos Legion packs unopened: 443 (+1)

Riftwatchers packs bought: 163 (0)

Riftwatchers packs unopened: 0 (0)

Cards upgraded and rented:

Rune Crafter to level 9, gained +1 Armor, hopefully will be maxxed up next week.

And start to work towards upgrading the Night Ghoul to level 7, bought 5 BCX.

The time is near. I was upgrading key cards, but now I need to get some DEC into my wallet, waiting for the land feature to be unveiled. The strategy was to use the DEC from rentals to upgrade fully the Riftwatchers set, but the renting profit plummeted lately. ( I have left to upgrade 10 common, 12 rare, 6 epics and 7 legendary cards). I want to buy some max level Gold and legendary cards, if possible, to get 5 lands fully prepared (1 Keep and 1 Castle, and the 3 occupied ones, at first). In the same time I need to get some more RW packs, already started to buy them, one by one, now that CL ended, and use the GLX and SPS rewarded from now on to upgrade some more cards. Vouchers still go on Tribaldex for more SPS farming (Voucher - Hive pair). After I got 450 packs, whenever I get more than 5 CL packs, I sell them for Hive, same with the land, once 1.5 upgrade is on, 5 common lands per week/month, until I sell the remaining 90 left to sell. I will adjust the strategy as I go.

All the best,


Why not...

...have fun and win rewards on my favorite blockchain games (Splinterlands- Hearthstone-like card game) (Mobox - GamiFI NFT platform) and (Rising Star - Music creators game).

...get crypto while writing on Publish0x blog, using Presearch search engine to maximize your income with PRE tokens. Use Torum instead of Twitter . I am also writing for crypto on and Hive.


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