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RE: Splinterlands Ranked Rewards Update

in #splinterlands2 years ago

Please add blind matchmaking to the list to reduce win trading. I feel like match history provides a bigger advantage to bots than it provides to humans, plus it facilitates win trading. Blind matchmaking would make it extremely difficult for bot operators to win trade.


Im pretty sure you can see what millisecond you are matched up if you run a bot network and this would not matter at all. It would however make the game less interesting to play for humans, as you would remove all elements of counter play. It would just be a game of knowing best possible lineups for different rulesets and game would be easier to solve.

The idea is to simply never match up a bot of one network to another of the same network. Sometimes even naming structure could be used but i think they have more sophisticated ways to handle it.

Bots will never go out. Unless you are willing to provide your ID to make it 1 account per person.