Zero 2 Hero - Daily Splinterlands Card Giveaway 35/300

in #splinterlands2 years ago


Challenge Goal

  • From Novice to Diamond until the end of the year.
  • With 0 investment except for the spellbooks, obviously.
  • No renting allowed.
  • In case I fail, I'll liquidate all assets and donate everything to a charity of the community's choosing.


Winner of Giveaway 34/300:

Battle Rewards were 25.578 DEC. Chests gave me a ALotion and a Venari Bonesmith for an additional 48.653 DEC. So that brings today's total to: 74.231 DEC. Congratulations to @caimanx only non believer's... Its start of the season... Obviously DEC rewards are abundent.




2022-04-02 7:00 pm (GMT+0)


Welcome to my small giveaway.

I decided to make a daily giveaway for a total of 300 days. The cards available are chosen from the common pool of cards I traded on the previous day. Those trades are what pays for the giveaway.

The available cards are:

Mycelic MorphoidGargoya ScraperCruel SethropodRadiated ScorcherHardy Stonefish

Choose wisely my friends


Giveaway Rules:

  1. You have to guess what the upcoming DEC income cycle from my daily chest and Bronze 1/2 Battle Rewards will be. (cards will be converted at the current single card value into DEC, packs will be converted at the hive-engine price in DEC, Potions will be valued at 0). The closest one gets the price.
  2. Write the name of your chosen card in the comments
  3. Only posts with a splinterlands account name are valid.
  4. Only 1 account per person.
  5. Upvotes, Reblogs, Follows, or any form of engagement tokens (like ALIVE,BEER,ENGAGE,LOLZ,LUV,PIZZA,PGM,WINE) would be awesome. Though they are definitively NOT required, but immensely appreciated.





@sigmon @luizeba @amaillo @blitzzzz @pappa-smurf @irisworld @jfang003 @henruc @caimanx


If you have not started your Splinterlands journey, give it a go. Click here to join now.


32.272 DEC
Gargoya Scrapper
Thankyou for the opportunity
!gif Gargoyle

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This confirmation reply will go off when Resource Credits (RCs) get low. Yet, your hivebits command will still go through and you'll get your HBIT. :)

DEC 45 Radiated Scorcher
IGN: @amaillo-m
!Gif dancing-8bits

Hello, mate! Please, count me in for the giveaway!!

10 DEC

Hardy Stonefish

IGN: @luizeba

!Gif pizza party

Great!!! I Win!! count me in for this one too, big thanks, my IGN: @caimanx

Have some !PIZZA and SPT

DEC: 36

CARD: Cruel Cethropod


Hardy Stonefish


DEC 35
Cruel Sethropod

thanks for the opportunity

Yay! 🤗
Your content has been boosted with Ecency Points, by @zero2hero1.
Use Ecency daily to boost your growth on platform!

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Hardy Stonefish
40 DEC

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Count me in 😊 @blitzzzz
Mycelic Mophoid
33.68 dec


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@zero2hero1(1/5) tipped @candnpg (x1)
candnpg tipped zero2hero1 (x1)
caimanx tipped zero2hero1 (x1)

Join us in Discord!

Crypt Beetle /33 DEC

I think you wrote a post in the past detailing your flipping techniques, can you share that post again or do another post? Thinking I need to dip my toes in the trading market myself.

My Guess 38.73 DEC
Mycelic Morphoid
Was the article you are referring to, but it's just rudimentary the post. Doubt that I'll ever make a indepth guide on the exact strategies I'm using, a) it reduces my profit opportunities and b) might get people into it that aren't mental prepared to lose money if the market moves against them.

If you want to discuss trading with me, find me in luke-wtp discord.


This was it, thanks. I didn't expect you to reveal all your trade secrets 😀. I'll seek you out on the discord if I get going and need some pointers. Thanks again!!