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RE: The Next 60 Days Are Critical For Splinterlands...

Hopefully they start communicating with the customer base when they break things (like the game currently not playing on FireFox or WaterFox for the last 2 days, or the Splintertalk SNAFU), because they're losing players because of this poor communication - and losing potential players/investors as well...

Not to mention customer service tickets backed up 2-3 weeks, and tens of thousands of dollars stuck in limbo, while people get nothing but an automated ticket number email back...

I've gone from wildly bullish to extremely concerned myself. These are the behaviors that often precede full-on rugpulls... I don't think that will be the case with Aggroed & Matt, but this sort of terrible customer interaction has killed much bigger projects and businesses.


I agree there are a lot of challenges, but one thing to look at is that there was a roadmap. They've followed it prety close for years. Then we went from 5K active users to over 200K in less than two months. That is a huge inlux and they didn't have the staff ready to handle such a huge influx over a short amouont of time. It is incredible they are still being able to release cards and things work for the most part. I'm cutting them a little slack with all of the new players coming, but like I said, the next 60 days are critical... for solving the issues you have and other growing pains. I do not think this is a rug pull. I've been here for 2 and a half years, and this is a solid team and I trust they'll figure it out.