July 13, 20: Recording and Uploading a Calculus Video, Champion II, Putzing, Xbox, and Games


Here we go again. Not sure what my deal is lately, but I just haven’t been motivated to go out for a proper walk at all. I suppose I can blame it on my back bothering me, but that’s not really anything new. So, I got nothin’...no maps or pics or anything at all that I can even sketchily count as an exercise. 😜

Up about the usual time, running about a half an hour short, but not feeling too bad in the afternoons.

Really not much going on at all during the morning routine. Just hit my faucets, did some curation, shifted and staked some tokens...the usual.

Bitcoin still boring as hell. Trying to resist the serious FOMO I’m getting on some of these DeFi tokens...some are seeing majorly serious pumpage and getting some massive hype in the cryptosphere, Compound and Chainlink to name a couple (that I don’t have any bags of right now 😢).

It’s not that I necessarily think that it’s too late to realize gains on these tokens, I just don’t want to be one of those guys buying in after a couple big green candles, getting stuck with shitcoins, and wondering when moon/where Lambo.

I had intended to record a Calculus video this weekend, but didn’t end up getting the chance to do it, so I let Wenche go out with the dog and took the opportunity for some quiet time to get it done.

Got it recorded and then watched it for errors (not too bad, only one transfer error I could see that wasn’t all that important). Then I had the pleasure to stare at the upload screen for several hours. It finally get done, though:

Spent most of the rest of the afternoon putzing around in the garage. I pulled the last batch of copper out of the HCl, treated it with baking soda and water, then rubbed them down with some steel wool to get that lovely red metal shine.

Put another batch in the acid to sit for a day or two, and then cleaned up the workspace a little bit.

Wenche’s working late this week, so I had some cereal for dinner and played an hour or so of Xbox. I don’t even know the title of the game...it’s an old school Xbox 360 FPS. Annoyingly difficult in some parts, but I have popped a couple new cheevos. 🏆

Once she got done, we watched some Fringe on TV, I played my very successful Splinterlands quest, and then fell asleep.

I did get enough moving around done to keep my ten thousand steps per day streak going; no real reason to break that despite my back bugging me.

My friggin’ shopping mall got robbed today. 😡 I did get a little bit of income anyway, but only like 20 SIM and a trickle of BEER.


I was able to accomplish all my Holybread tasks for today! 🤗 Potions ran out today, so I got those refilled for another week.


Top twenty seems to be getting harder to hold on to, but still hanging in there. 👍



My Splinterlands quest for today was Water splinter again. Wasn’t too bad, and I definitely made progress!!!!



Made it the highest I’ve ever been!


And I broke up into Champion II for the first time!!!!! 😁👍💪🏆


Got the quest done in Champion II with a potion. Not too bad rewards today, a little DEC and a new Fire reacher that looks like it could be pretty badass, especially for battles with high mana limit:



Got my stats for the last week. As expected, lots of red arrows. 😭 At least the sleep score went up slightly, so that’s something. I have a feeling this week is going to be about as bad.


Average Last 7 Days: 12,786

Lifetime Average: 16,026

10k per Day Streak: 111
Longest Streak: 196

Distance on shoes: 762.79 km


#AutomaticWin Tally: 239
#AutomaticWin Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 19

#TripleTen Tally: 109
#TripleTen Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 145
#DoubleDay Streak: 0
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 0/0

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 80%
Satisfaction: 79%
Energy: 88%
Productivity: 85%






Pi Cloud Mining



Power up and Hive on!


We are both in the Champion league now.
Maybe we will see each other in the battle someday.

CONGRATS on reaching champion 2 in splinterland 😉👍 AWSOME!
Seems many broke their record this season... I reached champion 2 last season and 4200 was my highest, but now I am champion 1 🤪
First time ever and I broke my record with 500... Crazy.
I am so addicted to that game that I love to hate 😁 lol

I hear you there on the motivation... I have felt ehhh about doing some things and lately its been posting that been lacking 🤪
But I know it will turn.

I hope you are having a fantastic day my friend. Much love 🤗❤️