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RE: SPS DAO Mints Promo Card for SPS Stakers

in #spsproposallast year

The vote is 93% for this at this time, so its far more that 66%.

Regarding the way the voting works, that's how its designed. In theory the people with the most money in the DAO (and likely the game) have the most to lose by having a bad proposal. I think you are underestimating the "whales" here.

I know in my case, I want to see many players come to the game, play it, and be excited about it. So that's how I vote. I'm sure that's how many vote too.

But I do agree there might be a few large whales that only think short term, and thus we will not have a perfect utopia. That's actually rectified by more players keeping more of their SPS and voting against the short term thinkers.

While it might be nice if we could have a world where every person could have a say no matter what stake they have in things, I think there would be many pitfalls to that system too. I don't want to debate macro political or economic concepts here, but in my opinion this system is pretty strong and makes me want to not only hold my SPS, but makes me want more.

ps... that makes YOUR SPS more valuable when me and other players do that

I like that I put a lot of my money on the line and have a lot to gain (or lose) by the game succeeding. And I 100% agree that the game should listen to the players and do their best to make sure all stakeholders are happy.