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RE: SPS DAO Mints Promo Card for SPS Stakers

Hi, recognising the concerns around this incentivising a pump and dump of SPS. Would you consider creating a regular, annual DAO promo card with a daily staked SPS snapshot taken over the year (similar to the SPS airdrop)? This would incentivise continued SPS staking and dis-incentivise ever unstaking. Each time a player reaches 1bcx threshold, they could unlock/purchase the airdrop with one voucher. This could dampen any potential pump and dump (pumpy dumpy TM) effects. I'd be interested to hear others views on this tweak.


@davemccoy sorry for the bump but would appreciate your opinion on this!

Hey @dizzypascal thanks for tagging me so I can reply, it wasn't my post so I don't get the same notifications.

I think your idea is a very good one and I'd completely support it. In fact I've also heard ideas that are similar that I like too. Like give out a good perk for x amount of SPS staked CONSECUTIVELY for an entire year (in other words any unstake would break the streak and the player would have to start over.

I like all ideas that are like this and would support them. The biggest issue would be getting the team to make it as it would take DEV time. But I like your concept or any variation to it, as it more purely achieves the goal of encouraging and rewarding true hodlers.

Thanks again for the tag!

ps... I really don't think this proposal will create the pump and dump effect some are worried about. Imo its simply too small of a reward for too much of a stake. At worst I think it might encourage a few players to move their liquid to staked for a month, but maybe after they do it they might find it was more rewarding than they thought (because of the GLX token airdrop).