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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Reduce SPS:WETH Incentives by 50%

in #spsproposal3 months ago

I believe @clayboyn has set out a target of 50% overall reduction from LPs in total.

I'm 100% onboard with this goal. But I have made my thoughts clear that I do not like eliminating rewards altogether. I would vote for a 50% reduction in a heartbeat. I don't think this binary choice of all or nothing is a good solution. I will abstain.


It would never pass... every option I pitched that had multiple pools involved had people on one side refusing to support because of preferences. We're going to have to go pool by pool unfortunately.

Some investors would try to make this an opportunity to get better rewards for the pools they are invested in. Thank you for putting in your time to make things better here 🙂

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