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RE: Who pays for the blogging and curation rewards? (Part 2)

in #steem8 years ago

Can you link to the specific post that you think acts as proof of "borderline plagiarism" by @anonymint? I just quickly skimmed his part 1 thread and saw that you to had a lot of back and forth discussion. But I'm not sure what the conclusion was with all that. I haven't read it carefully, but I don't see any formulas in that discussion thread that were copied from you by @anonymint and used in his post.


EDIT: i checked it and his numbers are still off from mine, though not nearly by as much anymore., so its not C+P . That said the post where i gave an equation is here i think he accounts for SBD in this one, and i wasn't in mine.

Still think its overall dishonest to pretend to have been right all along, though, especially after spending the whole thread calling me a fuckwit for telling him he was wrong in the first place. But its not outright c+p like i initially thought.

Alright well, I certainly haven't been impressed by @anonymint's social etiquette but plagiarism is a strong claim. And from what I'm seeing here, perhaps he might have benefited and been influenced by your discussion (don't know for sure since it is a really long discussion and I don't have time to go through it all), but he didn't just copy your work and present it as his own.

I certainly haven't been impressed by @anonymint's social etiquette

I think you are referring to ONE error I had in the compounding rate in the blog about how users could become millionaires in SP if they remained vested in SP and how I responded to @bacchist's allegation that my blog was incorrect?

I don't think there have been any other instances other than my exasperation in how to squelch the very long walls of text and false accusations that @sigmajin was putting in the comments.

Well you should know what precipitated that exchange is that @bacchist and I were having some friction over at Bitcointalk well before that, because he was a staunch supporter of Steem and I was very skeptical. He accused me of being wrong about every thing I wrote, and that was a false accusation. I had maybe 3 math errors total while trying to learn this very complex and incompletely/inadequately documented system. I don't think it is fair to extrapolate from that one instance.

I was at that time receiving the brunt of the resistance to any critical analysis of Steem on BCT. Since then, it appears we've all become more amicable (or at least tolerant) and especially as my understanding of Steem has become more solid. I came from 0 understanding of Steem to nearly expert on Steem (at least in some facets) in a matter of a few weeks. You all have been in this for many months or more.

Please allow some consideration. Also please consider that I am 51 years old and I am suffering from a chronic ailment which is a major struggle against bouts of Chronic Fatigure Syndrome, brain fog, and insomnia. I have to really grit my teeth and battle every day, so I don't have luxury of the good feelings you have naturally (I struggle for the level of energy to work that you have naturally and don't even pay attention to about yourself). My condition is improving though. I've been working something like 120 hours a week past few weeks, so I am zombifried.

perhaps he might have benefited and been influenced by your discussion (don't know for sure since it is a really long discussion and I don't have time to go through it all), but he didn't just copy your work and present it as his own.

Not only that I didn't benefit at all from his discussion with me (sorry just being honest because he just made me confused as evident by the back & forth in the comments in Part 1 between him and myself where he took me off on tangents because I thought he was stating the opposite of the way I know the design to be, but this may have just been a communication problem), but I absolutely didn't source any thing from him at all. Rather tt is the interaction with you from that prior incident with @bacchist that is the source I attributed in Part 1. But my idea of the equation which is different from yours, has been that way since that time. It was always my original idea (afaik).

I didn't even read his blog posts before I wrote my Part 1 blog, which is evident by my response to his comment in Part 1 where he linked me to his blogs. It is also evident because I presume he doesn't incorporate the aspect of my equation which is different from your equation. But I dunno, because I still haven't digested his blog posts (because I personally find them very contorted and hard to read and I am too overworked to waste my time trying to decipher his blog posts).

Edit: sigmajin posted 9 minutes after this comment of mine, and admits he didn't even know for sure if I had copied him before he downvoted and accused me of plagiarism (the guy doesn't even check before he flings mud):

looking.. its long

Edit#2: he has edited his comment and erased the above quote, but it is still on the blockchain.

EDIT: i checked it and his numbers are still off from mine, though not nearly by as much anymore

My numbers were never far off from yours even in Part 1, I just had a typo in the calculator. If you had used my equation from Part 1 instead of just glancing at my table of debasement rates, then you would have seen this and not have gone off on your incessant spamming of the comments.

To do peer review, you need to at least check the equations in your calculation. You are blaming your laziness on me and trying to turn your laziness into me doing plagiarism. It is incredibly insane what you are doing. Please stop. This is not the way to build a community.

Also you still haven't incorporated the concept in my equations that new SP reward holders are a debasement w.r.t. to preexisting SP holders in competition for the future SP splits for that year period. Because you haven't even taken the time to understand. You are just comparing the numbers that are computed as the final result and shooting from the hip without even knowing WTF you talking about w.r.t. to how my equation is different and insightful in a different way than @arhag and your prior blogs.