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RE: How to Save Steem

in #steem4 years ago

“If so, where were you hiding all this time? I know you did the SPS but that's very little compared to what you claim.”

The Blocktrades team actually wrote the p2p layer of the Steem blockchain.

And I imagine that team didn’t get involved in coding much because Steemit Inc. had a massive reserve of funding and their own devs, as well as their own plans for the blockchain. And they were also the gatekeepers of which code would be deployed.

In the past, several people wrote code and submitted PRs, only to have them completely rejected by Steemit in favor of their own misguided vision. This effectively made community-led upgrades a complete waste of resources, as anything not in line with Ned’s plan would be dismissed anyway.

And I should also note that there are more devs able to submit code outside of Blocktrades’ team as well. I would also expect more to get involved knowing that the old gatekeeper is now gone.