Justin sun mega doxxed justyy-Justin sun's fallout boy

in #steem4 years ago

Justin sun is starting to throw people under the bus including justyy aka Dr. Zhihua Lai of Girton, cambridge, United Kingdom (postal code cb3). If you see him at the tesco, be sure to call him out for what he is and put him under citizen arrest. After I exposed Justyy's identity yesterday, justing sun started to make him public as well. Justin Sun previously decided to hide my account from steemit, so I was invisible there, and they destroyed me rep so I was completely invisible. I couldn't be seen. I accidentally made a post there even after I was hidden, and notice that justyy was still downvoting. To prevent him from harming others (and I am on his s___ list on hive, see last image), I started to spam his downvotes and his wall and let the bots do their thing. He went from -100% votes all the way down (up) to -1% votes and down to 40% effectiveness-and his other bot bullionstackers got down to 0. It wasn't butthurt @themarkymark, it is called exploiting justyy's algorithm. For a phd, he's a rather bad coder. He'd be lucky to be at an 8th grade level. With all the steem he got from being bribed by justin sun, even a 1% downvote can still hurt but is easy or others to recover from.

What I post to any block chain is rather invisible anyways. So I doxxed justyy on someone elses comment that already doxxed justty, but the thing is almost no body knew-aside from some of the victims-and an attorney. It is literally buried in the comments of another users posts, and a link to it as a transaction to bittrex.

And his picture on his last blog on steem.
Basically Nobody knew....until Justin Sun published it to his wall. One cannot even pay for that kind of marketing. @Justyy may think Justin sun has his side, but let's remember-Justin Sun has been trying to wash his [and steemit hands] clean of this even when the block chain says otherwise. If Justy doesn't already know, Justin sun just told everyone Justyy's information and the allegations made against him. Seeing between the lines, this is a great big endorsement of go get him boys for criminal and civil process. Seeing further between the lines, it suggest justin sun and justyy are pretty close in terms of relationship and undermines justin sun's plea of ignorance. Justyy is really a dummy if he hasn't figured that out that he is going to be fallout boy.

If you were to ask the question what would Jesus do, the short answer is he would troll the leading authorities. And as I spoke in discord the other day, that there is an art to trolling. So much has been said, so the trolling went better than I had hoped. Justin Sun tweeted to hundreds of thousands of people that there are political prisoners in this country, that cops will lie and tamper with evidence, and that innocent people are forced with attorneys who refuse to represent them even when they could beat their case without them. So it really works to my goals in many ways that they haven't yet realized, I had been looking for some large country to call out out own government. I am a big fan of the faggot Milo, so I learned from the best. This went better than planned.


So justyy's blog peddled by justin sun also points out:

So Justin Sun who is washing his hands of this mess, literally plastered out this out for his whole audience to see it was Dr. ZhiZua Lai who was doing it. Is Justin Sun ready to throw Justyy under the bus. Of course you know what this means:

Many people have a negative view about doxxing, but that negative view is a lot of butt hurt by feminist snow flakes. There is a whole profession of private investigation. I have exposed an international scammer (norman king) on steem who was phishing user accounts, and expose people who have funded rose city antifa, and some other powerful people liked to antifa including the founder's father. Peace,liberty, and abundance, but I don't take any s___. When you want to prosecute someone criminally or civilly, you have to establish Identify, and a place to serve them. Identity and service is important and that is made public in any legal proceeding. Doxxing is literally an important part of the criminal and civil justice system, and people who boohoohoo about reality are just snow flakes. There may be some restrictions if the information is otherwise private which is a 4rth amendment issue, but generally what is on the web is public information. So I saved a lot of people some work, and by false allegations to do what needed be done. So go sic him with your lawyers and the bobbies, and anything else legal but uncivil at him. Just know that when he has counsel, you can't directly contact him.

The thing about these Chicom and North Korea scammers is they will say they are threatened, even when they are not. I made an assertion about natural law, since they are still in active the process of stealing peoples property. Their so called threat fails to meet the criteria of a threat under virginia v black, and by extension brandenberg v ohio. This is not a threat. There is no serious expression of intent to commit violence, nor are the same time is it advocacy of any violence-let alone the requirement that it be unlawful violence. It is a tactless reminded of the natural law built upon reason. Sonething phd justyy has proven he is incapable of, or pretended as if there were no consequences for stealing peoples property.


Notice he downvoted it to hide it, but justyy then decided to make it his new blog making sure all his klansmen see it as well as the hidden posts.

This makes it lawful for a man to kill a thief, who has not in the least hurt him, nor declared any design upon his life, any farther than, by the use of force, so to get him in his power, as to take away his money, or what he pleases, from him; because using force, where he has no right, to get me into his power, let his pretence be what it will, I have no reason to suppose, that he, who would take away my liberty, would not, when he had me in his power, take away every thing else.
John Locke's the two treatises of civil government, book 2, ch3, section 18.

One could also infer, if they wanted, the law of nations, ch3, section 24.
see Vattel, the law of nations, ch 3

Humanity revolts against a sovereign, who, without necessity or without very powerful reasons, lavished the blood of his most faithful subjects, and exposes his people to the calamities of war, when he has it in his power to maintain them in the enjoyment of an honourable and salutary peace. And if to this imprudence, this want of love for his people, he moreover adds injustice towards those he attacks, — of how great a crime, or rather, of what a frightful scries of crimes, does he not become guilty! Responsible for all the misfortunes which ho draws down on his own subjects, he is moreover loaded with the guilt of all those which he inflicts on an innocent nation. The slaughter of men, the pillage of cities, the devastation of provinces, — such is the black catalogue of his enormities. He is responsible to God, and accountable to human nature, for every individual that is killed, for every hut that is burned down. The violences, the crimes, the disorders of every kind, attendant on the tumult and licentiousness of war, pollute his conscience, and are set down to his account, as he is the original author of them all.

Poor justyy, despite his Phd, is too stupid to know that the problem is his God Justin Sun. That justyy's lust for power and wealth will be his and steemit's undoing. If you drive away people or otherwise hide them for their ideas, if you think you can just steal their money because they are wealthy, then you are not building up a community-you are destroying it. The iron fist cannot be sustained in a free market, people will not choose a despot. justyy may think he is smart because he has a phd, but the way he is witnesses isn't just criminal-it is showing he is incompetent. Futhermore, don't trust Amazon until they fire him. Yeah, he's employed at amazon.

As Justyy was scrubbing the web, and crying that he's about to enjoy his last days of freedom, he rightfully entered into a panic mode. He has every right to be afraid, he knows the rest of his days will be in an American prison cell-knowing that his wife Hui will likely be sleeping an English man the rest of her life-or englishmen and muslims if she needs an income. Yeah, black Muhammad will be enjoying himself with Hui Lai while justyy is in prison. One of the biggest crimes a Chinese woman can do is fall in love with a white man-Zuckerberg will learn one day through the family court system. But the Chinese treat black people like crap, and are forcing muslims into concentration and labour camps, and harvesting their organs.

Justin Sun declared justtyy as the community this morning-and if we remember, the stolen steem was send to a community321 account. What is left on steemit is nothing but a cult now. Funds are not SAFU on steem-even though Justin Sun said that Steem was super safu, that he would protect private property rights, that he wouldn't freeze transactions, that he wouldn't set the community against eachother. They exact opposite of what he is doing. Understand, that Justin Sun in intentionally destroying steemit and as the centralized power is breaching his duty as a fudiciatry to protect not just user's money but to protect market value. Furthermore, he is laundering millions of dollars out of America to his asian allies. And his pubblic pledges also constitutes fraud. The stealing of 23.6 million steem (6$ million dollars) is an act of theft.

In closing here are some things to know about justyy.


This is reportedly where his north American witness server is stored.


public info: https://www.nodenpm.com/attenuationbyatmosphericgases/package.html

[email protected]

Github: github.com/doctorlai
Twitter: doctorzlai
Blog: helloacm
Blog: codingforspeed
Blog: justyy
Others: weibomiaopai
Others: rot47
Others: uploadbeta
Others: isvbscriptdead
Others: happyukgo
Others: propagationtools
Others: steakovercooked

This is another email address associated with justyy. public source: https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/6f8c44ebae5a7bc9144f7d3b337b4f14c9154160eb73f6b4ed77f666f7d7f570?environmentId=120

[email protected]

also the email is on his justyy website.

public info: https://steakovercooked.com/doctor-zhihua-lai-resume.php

Hi! Zhihua "智华" is my first name and Lai "赖" is my family name.

I live in Girton (CB3, Cambridge, United Kingdom). I also work in Cambridge City. Please check my CV for my latest employment.

I am a Software Engineer (SDE). I have a wife and two sons.

I write code but I also write a few paper & book chapters.

I like steaks and I like medium-rare steaks.

我喜欢吃三分熟的 牛排.

he tried to scrub it as he is watching, but google cache had a copy-and here is the archive.

possible picture of him and his wife linked from the above page

public info https://steempeak.com/wallpaper/@namnguyenviet/download-the-background-image-penetration-internal-components-of-smartphones-samsung-lg


justty has since edited the original post, but due to the natural of the block chain we can still find it.


More information, even some that was recently scrubbed. He lives within a mile of the gretton school in 2018. And more pictures.




he also lives .4 miles away from the Girton Glebe Primary School.



With tools like arc gis one could produce two circles of said sizes around these two points. where they intersect(s) would provide a/some good answer.

more public info on justyy

archive of justyy's youtube channel

his past work:
[email protected]

An older resume
being 10 years old, and in a different geography, some contact info is probably off.

Born in Nov, 1984, Married
Sheffield United KingdomS1 4DP
[email protected]
[email protected]
Linkedin Page: http://uk.linkedin.com/drlai
About Me: http://about.me/zhihua.lai
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/zhihua.lai
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/doctorzlai
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/drlai

And a patent of his


Thank you justty, I just had to put it on my wall.


I am gratified to see that despite your adamant opposition to Sun Yuchen and his thieving ways, you yet provided the one example that I know exists of him speaking the truth:

"Justin Sun tweeted to hundreds of thousands of people that there are political prisoners in this country, that cops will lie and tamper with evidence, and that innocent people are forced with attorneys who refuse to represent them even when they could beat their case without them."

You are truly a prince among men.


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