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RE: 4 Very Important Roles in the Steem Ecosystem

in #steem6 years ago

Struggling a little to keep up with your vids just at the moment but glad I caught this. Always appreciate the clear explanations and lack of um-ing and ah-ing and general waffle, and the fact you always look at everything from our (the user / viewer) pov. Interested in knowing a bit more about the witnesses, not because I'd ever have ambitions in that direction but because as I understand it we can get to vote for them and if they have a important role it would be good to exercise that vote well. (Plenty of places to get that info, I know - just haven't got to it yet and not a priority.)

Interesting too have your take on the whole upvotebot / voting-for- yourself-but-no-one-else thing. I think we have some idea who you might have been talking about there. Must admit I'd not really seen it from quite that point of view until this, although I have read others who share your view: sort of "OK it may not be quite in the spirit of the platform but these people are investors, prepared to leave their money in, and so essential to the whole system because without them all these other people would have no platform to upload their good stuff to". The danger is if it's scaring off some who just see Steemit as an unlevel playing field (which of course it is) or, worse than that, a place where scammers run free like weeds, and so run away. Being upfront about the other side (the advantages), and telling it like it is, like you do here, has got to be a healthy thing, whichever side of the fence people are on.

For myself I intend to be all the first three things, the third modestly at first but hopefully growing. In the meantime I'm just the first, but very much working behind the scenes on the second.


Hey @gussiefinknottle, great to hear from you. I replied to you in today's video which will be up shortly but here's a link to a video I did a while back about Steem Witnesses. Should help out a lot.

That's great @brandonfrye, I'll look out for it - and thanks for the link, which I'll follow. I have so much crypto stuff hitting my inbox these days it's tough to keep up: maybe I should just watch your videos and ignore the rest. Btw I just tagged you in another reply. Does this mean you'll see it - see how little I know? It's not that you need to, not at all - just wondering what actually happens when you include someone's handle in a post or comment.