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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago

I would like delegation to be gone, and penalties for more than 4 posts to return. Then see how much linear is a problem... Maybe even 100% votes to be as 25% like they used to be (40 upvotes instead of 10 for 210% vote power drain)

If everyone who posts upvoted themselves at either 40% of daily total 10% of power (4/10 votes to self), or 10% of daily total of 10% power (4/40 votes to self), then that leaves 60% or 90% to otehrs in order to spend 10% daily voting power. I think that would already be better for the community.

I used to not self-upvote, even before HF19. I started an "Only-Upvote-Others-A-Thon" model to try to spread. Then bid bots started with BS making the first. I saw a problem starting. Then there were 2, and i stopped using steem shortly after. When I came back, there was so much less support going around. I had given 30,000 SP to @lyndseybowes while I was gone. I regained my SP shortly after coming back since the state of Steem was pretty sad, and I started to self-vote again because of the lack of support from so many accounts delegating for ROI and getting curation rewards, rather than the regular route of voting freely to get curation rewards. I see delegation as a problem in the current way things are operating on the platform. removing that would help get rid of some issues, some. Tools can be used for good or misused, and we have no way to deal with the misuse of many tools on the platform, like flag abuses.


Hi @krnel

Thank you for your input here, it is appreciated and respected.

Penalties for 4+ posts would be an ideal start, if there was governance in place for 1 person, 1 account. As we stand, I see this penalty as only a minor annoyance as it is just a case of logging on with another account and continuing.

The same point I think stands for self-voting. I see so many obvious (and not so obvious) alt. accounts being voted by the 'main' SP holding account, that I am not sure rules/penalties would change vote distribution. The pattern may look different, but the account receiving the funds would be the same in the end.

While I am totally behind Bid-bots not being a positive for the platform, I feel there is a case for delegation as being a positive. dtube/utopian/etc have brought new faces and interest from outside the network, and I think have had a positive effect due to the delegations they have, and thus the rewards they can give.

Delegations to bid-bots though have really effected some users returns, as they friends have 'sold out' in search of greater returns.

I feel the solution at this point is an adjustment to the rewards structure so that curation rewards are better, thus pulling out delegations from BBs. However, the return on a delegation is so high at present, that I am not sure how the model could be changed - I've seen suggestions of 75/25% in favor of curators/content producers!

Thank you for your time, and enjoy your trip :)