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RE: Are the selfless delaying the inevitable/essential?

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Personally, I just want a maximum hard-cap on the proportion of rewards any one individual can take out of the system; nonymised accounts, get rid of the bot market, and all of those other hideous 'socialist' 'interventions' that prevent anonymous rich people fucking every one else.

A 90% wealth tax on rewards per day over, let's say $100, would certainly get rid of the selfish.

I'm also aware that these ideas would probably be very unpopular, but what concerns me more is that I've no idea who I need to appeal to in order to get the system changed. I am absolutely powerless to implement major hardforks and thus any significant changes.

Could somebody direct me to a website/ post which outlines who 'steeminc' actually are (I know @ned obviously), who actually has the power to make the decisions to change anything? How many people are 'on the board'? Who 'has their ear'?

I know this is an 'anarchist' platform, but in reality it's a clique who make the decisions, so who are they? I'm sure there's a post somewhere, but I've never seen anyone point to it in any of these debate articles!

As someone says below... how do steeminc see steemit... an experiment, a test case, something to divest themselves off in 2019 or sooner, or when steem hits their target price and then fuck all of us because they've got their private jets? (I think they already got their lambos).

I could live off that too. Time to diversify!


Heh! 90% wealth tax, controversial! :D

nonymised accounts would be essential to control who's taking what. EOS have plans for that? or at least @dan did here?

Plan a monster reply for the next @steemitblog? Someone will see it and point you in the right direction, which could well be the door!

Diversification is a risk reducer, and I know from your blogs you aren't all in here. Personally.... yeah, that does sound like a plan :)

a - I recently sold 1/4 of my BTC and bought EOS with it. I've even registered (or whatever it is they call it). So I'm primed and GTG when that kicks off.
b - Crikey, if you can't point me in the right direction of who controls the hardforks, I'm worried!
c - Although I'm actually tempted to pump a serious chunk of cash in when I remortgage soon: borrow a bit more to do so. Not silly amounts, certainly no where near 5 figures.

Oh - and the 90% tax, may as well go in hard. Then it makes 50% seem reasonable.

Well Steemit inc do the work, and the witnesses consent - perhaps 10 of the top 20 is all that's required? But yes, worry a little!

C - here, or 'there'?

We don't even know do we?!? Perhaps 10 of the top 20?

C - Oh I'm considering investing here... that'll make an interesting series of posts.

Must get on with researching it all.