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RE: Low Steem price is an opportunity for redfish to become minnows

in #steem5 years ago

That's right and it looks like you are close. I've been hoping to see the number of minnows grow, but more dolphins is great too. We need more people with the power to give good votes and spread the rewards.


I am doing my part with MinnowBooster - Letting them use some of my Steem Power to only Vote Great Minnow Content.

I still have mixed feelings about buying votes and I have seen them support some people who buy a lot of votes. It seems to be an accepted part of Steem by many, but I choose to not play that game :)

I agree.... I set it so that they only use my Voting power when it is above 96%.... usually when I am sleeping .... or away from wifi for several days.... so it just maximizes the use of my Steem Power. I still Upvote Manually.