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RE: Why I won’t be compromising with Justin Sun

in #steem4 years ago (edited)

To be quite frank, which is a natural fault of mine of which I just can't help at times, lol, it is totally the wrong name for a new site. Basically for two reasons, first being that many people feel the site is to centered around a exclusive group of people, that it's hard to garner new users and keep them when they are at a disadvantage over it. Many feel, and many that have left feel this way, the platform is centered to the advantage of a few select groups. Second would be that the new name implies such and the fact that people were left out of the decision process to determine or vote on a new name implies such, and implies there's nothing going to change in regards to that. It's one "hive" of people whose at an advantage and decisions will be based on just what they think is right regardless if a majority of users aren't happy with the decision. It would be totally different if a group of people came down with a list of choices and said the new name will be based on which name gets the most votes from the community....not that that will quell much in the decision making process complaint department as most people know how that's going to come down anyway, as the bees will leave the hive to sting the shit out of the upvote button regardless if they know it's going to kill them in the end.

Hive is just totally the wrong image, unless of course you actually are out to portray the site as exclusive as to how it's run. You won't be attracting more bees with less honey.


I don't agree.
This wasn't something planned years ago, much less two weeks ago.

I applaud the quick thinkers who took a name, ran with it and made it happen.

This doesn't seem like an online poll situation.
Time is of the essence!