
Can't agree with you more, man. That is something I noticed within the first couple weeks of joining Steemit. It is like Youtubers going, 'sub for sub, bro.' You can fuck off, I will subscribe if I like your shit, I don't want a bunch of subs if they don't give a shit about what I am creating.

Absolutely agree with that!

I have a different, but equally bad story here now. I find good content all day long. I seek and connect with a lot of new minnows and try to help them with my minnow tips. But then their wonderful content dies from lack of votes and then they do too with a fast exit.

All of the 20 or so people I have brought in here in the last year are gone. I may soon be next. I am in an even worse place than you with money and trying not to hate myself for continuing to post here.

I never figured out discord so I don't know what goes on there. My son @bxlphabet my only "success" in recruiting, is in there all the time now. He is involved with steemmonsters and thrilled to be writing for them now. But this is only for a possible prize and it is all I can do to keep him active out here so we can try to get rewards. I guess those monsters still have a good crowd.

My son and both might be homeless in days if I cannot find a miracle. I dropped all my other balls and I can't seem to get anything going now.

I'm shocked to read you cannot get good content for such a good prize. That tells me that good people do not know about your contests - another lack we have is the inability to search well and this sucks too.

I came for inspiration today like I always do at your blog. The last time here a couple weeks ago, I felt so bad I could barely make a comment. Today you sound more like yourself and I'm happy to see that even though the subject is grim.

As you say in point 4 - "Don't quit Steem." I'm trying the best I can and glad you are still here too.

I have cut out many luxuries in my life. Only simple foods (are the best anyway) which cost 80€ per month. No fast food, no drinks, nothing extra.

I don't drive a car and I don't take the bus, I only go with my 2 legs. I have canceled my gym subscription and I learned to workout at home with the weights that I have and my bodyweight, I am able to sustain my muscle.

Also I have changed the electricity provider that saves me another 30Euros.

The simple life is best! Hardship makes us stronger.
If you have a garden you should plant potatoes and many other veggies.

You can make it Sharon!

If the price just goes up to 2SBD/Steem again it will be twice as easy as it is now.

And if not then we will gain from the hardship and get creative! I have ordered a green screen today and I will soon do high quality self-improvement videos with a positive message only!

Besides tha, I have also contacted adsactly to write posts for them on a weekly basis which give around 40-50SBD at the current value for each post.

Furthermore, you can also sell things you don't need (I could sell my TV).

I wish you all the luck in the world Sharon.

Thank you, Philip. I believe in both of us.

I'm already eating through the kindness of friends for free and have no possessions of value at all. I'm in a hotel room in Bangkok with basically nothing but clothes and this laptop. This is my nomadic life and it sure is catching up with me today.

I recently noticed this adsactly thing since they tweet their steemit posts and are on my list over there. I guess you write it and they post it. This is an interesting model. I really hope it works for you. You always have great posts, and the more exposure the better.

I definitely advise selling the tv. I got rid of the one I had about 25 years ago and have never once missed it. I do not need that distraction.

I pray for crypto to rise daily now, but God has not yet answered that prayer :)

Maybe you can do some work there? Just to get by?

I'm on a Tourist Visa so that is not legal here. And my health is not up to a nine to five and why I chose to work online. I was supposed to go on disability back in the states but chose not to go that route. I can here because things are cheaper, but now I am not even making enough for that.

Hi Sharon, you can try teaching English online. Some of the mamas at @steemitmamas recommended or

It's worth a try if you have good internet connection. Hope it gets better from here on.

Thank you for the idea. I have gone through the testing at one site and my wifi is not good enough.

Lawd have mercy.

No kidding.

Just after I replied to you, my Thai friends messaged and asked me over for dinner. Now I have food for two days and then they will ask me again. I am proving to them that all people from the us are not rich. They can't believe it, but they help me so much.

As soon as I get there, a pile of food is put in front of me and I eat like an animal. This is one of the many blessings I am thankful for, but I still need to pay my rent and my son's in California or we are sunk in less than 10 days. He does not have nice people to feed him, unfortunately.

Most of my Thai friends speak no English. But the one who does, told me money is on its way tonight. I am counting on her to be right.

There's a lot of excellent message here and I say yes to all 8 of What I Can Do.

I do write what I stand for and that's all I want to write about. I am sick of finding shit posters and spammy comments, I joined SteemFlagRewards and flag the ones I see. Flagging may not be for all but I do spend some of my voting power to flag abuse. Plagiarism. That upsets me more than anything. For lazy ass "authors" to grab someone else's work.

Thanks for what you do. I haven't read and visited all of tribesteemup's authors. I am glad I did today.

And yes, ditch the TV.

Thank you for your good work in flagging bad content and stating your opinion 👍

Almost everyone came here because the "easy money". If you think about it, it is not easy money. You have to put many time into the platform and every 9/5 job would make you earn more in the first months even if your content is really good.

To succeed on steem you have to do things you do not really like and to suck many many dicks because you need a good followerbase, communities and dolphins/whales to make enough to live just from the steemit income.

The reason most people fail is because they joined steemit because of their greed and not because of passion or purpose to writing or creating good content. 95% of the content is just trash repeating something you can read everywhere outside of steemit. And because we are missing unique content and everyone is greedy this platform is almost doomed

I have had experience in writing in other platforms before jumping into steemit, and through the tips you have added in the minnow support contests, I've implemented them to make my posts more looking. And it is how say it. Very few people pay attention to it.

They are even some people that treat steemit like facebook. And when we see this, we can't help but think that the future of this platform look daunting because it is not going to show any value at all.

However, concerning the price of steemit, this major dip crypto is going through is a phase. There have been other dips before, but markets turn bullish again. As a content creator, it is hard to stick with writing. But if some people have spent years blogging without making a single penny before reaching a decent income, why not enduring through hard-time phase.

Absolutely Dave, the strong will remain and the weak will quit as usual. That alone will increase the value of Steem again, it is currently much easier to find the good content here.

Steemit needs to add a few more pieces of usable HTML code so people can make their blogs look good and unique. It would be nice to have a few different fonts. A few different colors. And internal document links so people can use a table of contents type set up on their page. There is a lot of HTML code that can not be used to cause harm so I do not understand the reluctance to make it available. Markup/down language is not a very useful language when it comes to making a nice blog. Real tables and frames would be nice. The imagemap would be very good for those that want to do a magazine type post/blog. But there is only so much you can do with markup language.

Are you a developer Bash? You sound like one (and I am actually looking for one at the moment to work with my other developer on my Alphamemes project).

No, I used to enjoy playing with HTML and my own web pages way way back in the days of Netscape. Have been out of page making for years now. I just do not understand why the drastic limitations on HTML code for the page looks.

Vander Impromptu Photography

Great post, as usual. I understand the sentiment, but for me it is slightly different. I never made any significant money here and am mainly here to have social media for my photography. I think steepshot and bescouted will prove themselves useful for me in the coming years. I am not powering down till 2023 ( unless everything collapses) and by then I hope to have saved enough fiat, build up my photography portfolio to quit my day job. Steemit is still the most promising and definitely the most interesting social media development at the moment.

"only preach tolerance, peace, vegetables, pacifism" Laughed out loud, could be the Soyboy motto!

I wish you the best of luck in that regard. It is absolutely doable!
I am glad you enjoy that line so much, I have to laugh about it myself lol :D

yes true but maby we can get rid of shome of "fake one now"

on the list am good on

  1. yes
  2. a think so
  3. a think so
  4. never.
  5. 9-5 job is taking a lot of time a away but.
  6. work in progress
  7. jepp
  8. 100% honest

Looks very good to me!

among all the recommendations right now I take patience and not leave the platform. Keep the optimism high.
Thanks for your so instructional publication.

You are welcome.

You are articulating certain things that many others are feeling right now. At this very moment. Thank you.

Thank you as well Gray. 👍

You hit the nail right in the head with this one. I, personally just took a break from Steemit because other things in my life I don't really feel sharing them . However, those 8 points are on my list too when I get back.

About markets going down, meh, that's something markets do once in a while. Time is to buy :P!

I hope the market is going up again, I am not a fan of welfare.

That how crypto depress us. They just want to play with us specially who is holding btc. They will keep lowering btc price and wait for people to sell and leave. After we sale it. They will again sale those btc to us but now in higher price.
So, it's better to keep patience. Because it's already increasing now about $6,274 usd

Interesting perspective, thank you for sharing your thoughts. 👍

Always welcome Sir

Ha ha ha! I can't see you on welfare, you are way too proud for that man :)))!

I prefer welfare and building my business instead of getting a job : )

I couldn't agree with the part about people being themselves more. I joined steemit because I needed a safe space to rant about my political opinions. Although I've watered down a bit, I don't think I'd be here if I didnt need a place I could be real with myself

Am not all that invested on the platform - I don't even think of the money, my opinion is that steemit shouldn't be a full time job...just an opinion

Somehow I need to make my money, and it won't be working for someone else, I also don't bend over to make serious cash anywhere.

I always choose honor over cash, being fake and telling lies ain't how I roll.

Good. Always saying the thing most people do not want to hear, but saying the shit that people NEED to hear.

This ties in well with the "value of money" post I did a while back.

If there is nothing of value on the platform then the platform currency is not going to be worth anything either.

If there is nothing of value on the platform then the platform currency is not going to be worth anything either.

And that's why there are not more whales on this platform. Also the main reason why I will stop being a witness. I don't like the fact that I make losses to support a corrupt & empty platform.

Hay man.... Yeah i see where you are coming from...And i know exactly what you mean regarding Discord..
Just about everyone cannot seem to get past anything but STEEEEEEM....
Yeah think people are getting bored about just talking about steem this steem that.... a lot of folk are posting content just for the sake of it too, in order to gain Rep... even if half of it is shite....
I upvote every comment i get, i really dont care....because to be honest if i werent on SteemIt, i'd just be putting my articles out somewhere else... i dont plan on making ANY money out of it...
It's a real shame the market is going down, but it'll probably rebound... so dont sweat it just yet man....

Hay man.... Yeah i see where you are coming from...And i know exactly what you mean regarding Discord..
Just about everyone cannot seem to get past anything but STEEEEEEM....

Its like that almost everywhere man! People only care about themselves but say they care about animals, other humans, etc. They don't do shit.

It's a real shame the market is going down, but it'll probably rebound... so dont sweat it just yet man....

Thank you for the encouragement, I will not quit. :)

would love some input on how to create better content. here is my latest post
and heres the content i WAS doing earlier, and got disheartened by gettting minimal votes and therefore why my content these days may be considered 'shitpost'

i get that im not gonna get rich overnight ( loved the iceberg pic in this post btw )
but its hard to keep going when there is no engagement.
be brutal with your criticisms. how else will i grow without brutal honesty? :)
hope to hear back soon

Thx for the upvote!
Cool school! Ill join!

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