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RE: Why I won’t be compromising with Justin Sun

in #steem4 years ago

Dtube would be fucking awesome if we could change things up so videos could be rewarded for a longer period of time, even indefinitely, most youtube videos don't get the majority of their hits in a week. This new chain could be the place where the kinks get worked out. Just my possibly over optimistic opinion.


"They" being a handful of people, yes? I've been on downvote bots before also. I get it. It sucks. I can also understand why people would be frustrated with someone moving to a new chain, and, from the perspective, abandoning Steem after this community has tried to promote DTube all this time. Maybe there were other solutions that could have been worked out (and maybe can be now on a new chain not limited by Steemit, inc) to ensure longer payouts on evergreen content.

Maybe a separate rewards pool could take some inflation and only pay it out over a long period of time (6 months, 1 year, etc) and a poster could choose which bucket they wanted to be rewarded with. Or maybe an SMT is the way to go.

Understood. Unfortunately many in the space only think about numbers in their wallets.

Thanks for sharing that detailed post. I understand the need to innovate and evolve and you made a lot of good points there for what you want to accomplish.