#ZapFic contest: tell me a tale in 240 characters or less (results of last week, and new prompt)

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

ZAPFIC returns! More zap and more fic *

*just without the hassle of zappl!

What is #zapfic? Well I was the first to use the hashtag, so I guess I invented it, and I get to decide what it means.

#zapfic is a very short story written in less than 240 characters*.

Screenshot 2018-10-13 at 17.46.44.png

Use a word/character counter like this free one (https://wordcounter.net/) to check your character count!

*Why 240 characters? Well originally it was posted to the steemit blockchain using the app “zappl”, but that app has been on an extended holiday, and we can't hang around for ever... so now no more hassle with zappl! You can post your #zapfic however you want!

Last week’s entries!

Thank you to everyone who participated! There were 10 entries!





















And the winners are…

All of you! Congratulations to @vaitelavicius, @letalis-laetitia, @deirdyweirdy, @wonderwop, @manoldonchev, @girlbeforemirror, @sarez, @thaishps, @mariannewest, @quillfire

All the entries were fabulous, and I had a good week, it’s the season of goodwill and frankly you all deserve a SBI so you’ve all won one

#zapfic Writing Contest Week 39:

Write a story - inspired by the prompt - in 240 characters.

No restrictions on how you post it to steemit. You can post it to steemit using steemit.com, partiko or anything else you want to use!

Try to ensure you tell as complete a story as you can.

This weeks prompt is : capture

You can interpret the prompt as you wish (the story does NOT have to contain the word “capture” in it)


  • Post the 240 character (or less) story to steemit (use whatever you want - steemit.com, busy, partiko, or even as a comment! etc - the choice is yours!
  • The story must be less than 240 characters long - use a character counter to check (here is one: https://wordcounter.net/)
  • The story must be your own work, and previously unpublished
  • If you post a photo (you don't have to, there are no "points" for photos, it is all about the story) please make sure you quote the source. If it is yours, say so!
  • Resteem and upvote welcome but it is not essential (I am operating this contest at a “loss” to give something back to the community, so if you can resteem and upvote it will help me help you!)
  • The steemit (or busy, or whatever) link to your post must be left in the comment section of this post
  • The deadline for submissions is 8 hours before the payout of this post: NOW CLOSED FOR SUBMISSIONS
  • The judge’s decision is final


The price pool 3 SBI (#steembasicincome share), to be distributed as follows

1 @steembasicincome share will be given to the top three stories (as judged by me)

All valid entries will receive a 100% upvote (approx $0.09 at the time of posting) and a resteem from the judge (@felt.buzz) to over 1000 followers.

Sometimes I may give away bonus prizes too.

Note: this contest was invented by and is hosted, judged and run by @Felt.Buzz. it has bugger all to do with zappl

Thank you! and good luck!


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Animation By @zord189

Posted using Partiko Android


My heart skipped a beat, as she strutted down the street.
I think I'll follow her, and sweep her off her feet.
My trunk is big, and will fit her stature.
She'll be mine forever, once she is captured.
Fingers crossed, sure hope she can cook!

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Lol! Thanks for your entry! :)

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Amazing, my friend!

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His two grandsons are fighting for his property while he is in his deathbed. The elder one said “It is mine” and the younger one also said “It is mine.” Then the grandpa said “It isn't mine though. Capture your father’s heart & get it.”

The Contest: https://steemit.com/steembasicincome/@felt.buzz/zapfic-contest-tell-me-a-tale-in-240-characters-or-less-results-of-last-week-and-new-prompt-onxaqae4


Family feuds over inheritance, a rich topic! Thank you for your entry!

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Very many thanks for your encouragement @felt.buzz Sir.

Ahh so common a plight. Wonderful message in your story. This very thing happened when my grandparents died oh, it was a very sad thing to witness.

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Yes @wandrnrose7, it's really a very sad thing to happen. Instead of working hard, these days the youth are banking their hopes on the inheritance and causing heartache to their loved ones.

Oh wonderful!

Here's my entry:

His camera phone camera captured a hummingbird in midair. The hummingbird called him on his camera phone phone, "Let me out!"

Ha ha! Loved it, thanks for your entry! :)

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What an imagination @improv......you CAPTUREd our heart!

AH HA! You'd do well in my Punday Monday contest! Find my posts from Monday! Enter! You'll get prizes!

Thanks for your entry! :)

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Thanks for your entry!

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It was worth trying once

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Thank you once more, both for the challenge and for last weeks extra appreciation!

New story incoming:


Thanks for your entry! :)

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Thanks for your entry! :)

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Thanks for your entry! :)

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Here's this week's entry.

Probably not my happiest entry.

Thanks for the contest.

Thanks for your entry! :)

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Thanks for your entry! :)

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Thank you!

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Thank you for your entry! :)

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Thanks for your entry! :)

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Thanks for your entry! :)

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Thank you soooooooo much @felt.buzz and congratulations to all the ZAPFICers 🤣 this is so much fun. 💕 Merry Christmas. 🎄⛄🤶🎅

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Happy Christmas, Wonderwop! Loving the creativity from the ZAPFICers! :)

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Thank you Santa- @felt.buzz Happy Holidays to you and all participants.

Keep Steemin!

Ho! Ho! Ho! Thank you! Hope you have great end of year celebrations

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You are positively incorrigible and your generosity knows no bounds.
Thanks so much.

thank YOU! :)

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Thanks mate ... very generous.

"Capture," huh?



I can almost smell the spices as you mull... look forward to the results! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I love this contest! Thank you @felt.buzz. You are so great. Merry Christmas everyone!


Thank you! And you! :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you so much!!! What a sweet surprise!!! You rock, my friend!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Hello @felt.buzz i pray I'm not too late to enter.
https://steemit.com/zapfic/@darkson/in-death-zapfic I hope you like it.

I didnt even notice you'd said less than 240 characters😭😭😭😭. I mistook it for 240 words. I guess I'm automatically disqualified😞😞😞.

Hi, I saw your post last night, but it was too late to reply! Yes it is 240 characters, not words! So your entry doesn't qualfiy, but I'll give it an upvote and a resteem later when my VP has recovered a bit! If you want to write another one, and resubmit there is nothing in the rules to exlude you doing so! I did love your story by the way!

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https://steemit.com/zapfic/@darkson/entry-2-for-zapfic-contest Hey @felt.buzz that's my second entry for the zapfic contest. I ensured this one was exactly 240 characters lol. I hope you enjoy it as well😊

Thanks for your entry!

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Congratulations to all. You are soooooo generous. I wanted to try but it is so difficult to finish a story with 240 characters. Lol... I will try... Haha. If my brain can cope :)