Overcome deperssion

in #steemchurch6 years ago


There was once a man who felt discouraged he took stock of the resolutions he made last year he notices that nothing in his life had changed.
he saw that he was the same person with the same problems.
and then he began to lose hope.

so he went to speak to his mentor, the mentor asked. ''Do you know how long it takes for the giant bamboo to grow as tall as a building?''
the young man said no. ''During the first year, the tiny plant is watered and fertilized..said the mentor....and nothing happens....
it is watered and fertilized for another whole year....still nothing happen
again and another whole year, and another, and still nothing happens.
then on the fifth year it shoots up to the sky.

in the sixty week the bamboo grows 90 feet.
so how long does it take for it to grow so high? asked the mentor
"Six week", the man replied. "That's your mistake said the mentor". it takes five years. "if you farmer stopped watering the plant at any point during those five years" it would had died". what was happening during all those years..?
underneath the ground, an enormous network of roots was developing to support the bamboo's sudden growth.

now, growth take patience and perseverance. Every drop of water makes a difference.
Every step you take makes an impact. you may not see the change right away..but growth is happening.

Now, ask yourself what are you willing to do to make your dreams come true?

are you willing to do whatever it takes?
are you willing to take action?
are you willing to push past your fears and doubts

how much faith and belief are you willing to have?





Thanks for sharing this post with the steemchurch Upvoted and resteem

Thanks for this wouderful lesson, indeed it is a put read post for everone

He had madeys through his mercifully heart and he never demands any thing from us apart from our live and worship to his name and his glorious activities in our lives.
Serve him in truth and in spirit and keep his word intact never lie to him because he knows everything and all you feel he doesn't see .

depression is one very strong negative feeling. it makes one bitter and sober. We begin to loose hope of what good thing is possible around us. But with God's grace, we can overcome depression.

Wow your story is quite emotional and detailing as well, what can I say, depression is part of life, I think the only way to cope with it is through our message, our ability to hold onto God steadfastly.

The only way to overcome depression is to
believe and put our trust in God, Depression may occur without any loss or great stress to trigger it, however. Personal problems often lead to depression. The chronic use of alcohol or other drugs often leads to mood swings, personal problems, and depression. Using alcohol or other drugs to improve your mood is especially risky because addictive substances often intensify pre-existing mood or personality problems. Even prescribed medications may lead to severe depression. Faith is all we need to overcome depression


The Bible says that Jesus came that we "might have life, and might have it abundantly" (John 10:10, NAS). Certainly, depression is not abundant life. But you can be assured, God wants you to find His peace and joy. He will help you because you are very, very important to Him.

To overcome depression starts with you there should be this great preparation in you that growth process is small it takes stage by stage.
Sometimes you get this feeling that things are not changing or being the way they are its simply because your roots and stance is growing to achieve support of your next stage of growth and greatness. The ability of the suppression of that bad thing called depression also lies in God hands, when you are connected to him you are complete even if it is not visible why because depression gives you this deep feelings of incompleteness and incompetency.

Depression is really a very bad state to be we need to constantly remind our self of the. Need to overcome depression if not it will drive us to death.

God never demands from us but all he need is our sincere worship and our sincere heart for which we are ready to offer him in truth and in spirit.
He had madeys through his mercifully heart and he never demands any thing from us apart from our live and worship to his name and his glorious activities in our lives.
Serve him in truth and in spirit and keep his word intact never lie to him because he knows everything and all you feel he doesn't see .
Obedience is very important in our live if we really need to gain from God but first of al we need to appreciate him always .
The victorious are always free to do all the things through christ who made everything.
Be always faithful through christ for he will always provide for us when we appreciate his gift.
has always be merciful in In our lives and h has always Ben ready to accept us when we have sinned.
God does not have mercy on those who are wicked hearted and those who don't care about others and do not have pity on those who have sinned against them.
When you accept christ and you are doing his will you life comes with courage and agility .
You never mind what people who don't. Want you are saying at you back put your heart and trust in him and believe you can do it all

We should live our youthful days well so as not to regret the later days, depression is worry and sadness of the spirit man, we should never be anxious over anything but give thanks only to God.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

A debt of gratitude is in order for this amazing instruction.
Thanks for sharing.

This is a very wonderful and motivational message. The issue of depression is a very alarming thing today. Depression wears and weighs one down if not treated and taken with care.
Depression keeps you from reaching and actuallizing your dreams. And furthermore this includes the actualization of the will and purpose of God for your life. what are you willing to do to make your dreams come true?
are you willing to do whatever it takes?
are you willing to take action? are you willing to push past your fears and doubts. Let's do well to rise up above any form of depression and progress in all aspects of our lives. It's normal to fall down in life at some instances but that is not the end or full stop in our lives. W should learn to stand up again


  1. A mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity

  2. A long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade and investment

  3. A sunken or depressed geological formation natural depression

  4. Sad feelings of gloom and inadequacy

as it is, depression isn't a good experience..
as christians, ways to suppress this depression is to have Joy of the Holy Spirit.. It is that inner Joy we derive when in the House of our Father.

thank @onohwosafe for this great post

Dealing with depression requires action, but taking action when you’re depressed can be hard. Sometimes, just thinking about the things you should do to feel better, like exercising or spending time with friends, can seem exhausting or impossible to put into action.

The things that help the most are the things that are the most difficult to do. There is a big difference, however, between something that's difficult and something that's impossible. You may not have much energy, but by drawing on all your reserves, you should have enough to take a walk around the block or pick up the phone to call a loved one.

Depression is endemic. It can eat you up and no one would know what you're passing through. People might not understand but God understands everything. So relying to God as a confidant and laying all your worries on Him solves the whole problem. Thank you for sharing @onohwosafe


The Bible says that Jesus came that we "might have life, and might have it abundantly" (John 10:10, NAS). Certainly, depression is not abundant life. But you can be assured, God wants you to find His peace and joy. He will help you because you are very, very important to Him.

Agony is to a great degree a shocking state to be we need to dependably help our self to recall the. Need to crush unhappiness if not it will drive us to death.

I love every bit of this message, it has really motivated me to fight on no matter what comes my way

Thanks for this wouderful lesson, indeed it is a put read post for everone

Melancholy is extremely a terrible state to be we have to always help our self to remember the. Need to conquer despondency if not it will drive us to death.

He had madeys through his mercifully heart and he never demands any thing from us apart from our live and worship to his name and his glorious activities in our lives.
Serve him in truth and in spirit and keep his word intact never lie to him because he knows everything and all you feel he doesn't see .

Gloom is extremely a terrible state to be we have to always help our self to remember the. Need to defeat gloom if not it will drive us to death.