The permanent match - A match that can be re-used over 15000 times!

in #steemhunt6 years ago (edited)

The permanent match

A match that can be re-used over 15000 times!



Hunter's comment

Amazing, environmentally friendly solution for lighting fires.
A great replacement for gas using lighters and normal sulfur matches.

Great designs, as a key hanger or "lighter" look.
An invention that can save lives in precarious situations. Just one strike and it is lit!

Re-usable for years, over 15000 strikes!





Hunter: @pele23

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Tnx for the endorsement!

this can serve well in desert or lonely areas. great production
Amazing, environmentally friendly solution for lighting fires.
A great replacement for gas using lighters and normal sulfur matches.

cool hunt

This is the kind of innovation we need every day. Think not only of the economic savings this device provides, but also of the care it gives to the environment. Good hunt!

Thanks for share this hunt!

match that is reusable till 15k strikes is really very cool and amazing. The best part is that it can be used as a keychain as well - the design looks elegant as well. great hunt.

Hm.. hey hunters, are you guys even commenting after checking the website?? I'm sorry (no offence for the hunter @pele23), but this product is kinda misleading for the following reasons:

  1. It's not PERMANENT of course...
  2. It's not a match. It just use like a match, but it seems just a lighter. It even requires to fill the oil to use.
  3. The website..... looks like a hoax!

I'm sorry, but Steemhunt should be a COMMUNITY, not a comment factory where nobody tries to critic about the product.

Hehe, I know the website looks like they’re selling hand reading material, but the product is real!

I get your point about the comments, it is incredible how people suck up in those comments as if the product is the invention of hot water. All for a steemhunt upvote...
It is all fake conversation. But what can I do?

A match that works over 15K times means super comfort and ease for users in addition buying matches every month is a problem and this product totally solve that issue. Great Hunt

Fantastic innovation of technology and i think this product will remove the concept of gas lighter and and normal match .
I am really surprised to read the advantage of this product that is we can reuse this product for fifteen thousands times its huge .

@pele23 what a cool hunt. This great match can also be reused so many times, so economical. Very convenient. Great hunt.

a great steemhunt for outdoor activities and camping. No need to worry about getting a fire going. In all the wilderness survival TV shows, the very first thing is to build a fire, for warmth, cooking... etc

The permanent match that can be re-used over 15000 times. This is really innovative. I love the way this is created. Wonderful design and great search

Incredible energy for about 1500 times to be used. If everyone loved outdoor activities it's more important to be in list. Maybe in urgent condition that will save your life.

It is very nice invention which can be re used for infinite times and it has the other good quality is that it is environment friendly. Great hunt.

Excellent Hunt! A match That can be re-used over 15000 times, This is what we really need to save money and reused the useable thing. Thanks for the great hunt My friend Good Luck

Amazing innovation. I believe this last for years, or atleast a year. It will also safe the environment and the trees to some extent. Plus it is cool and makes you look cool. Imagine lighting a cigarette in a club with that (Lol...I quit).

You Killed This, Now Recoil!

It's a really interesting item. With this, I don't have to worry about matches. I think I can make a fire very easily anytime, anywhere. Thank you for sharing.

This looks like a much cooler alternative to usual matchsticks or gas lighters. And it can also last for a longer time.
Thanks for sharing

Most lovable The permanent match

This is amazing innovation. A match that can be used again 15000 times! Its design is very beautiful and it is environmentally friendly. This is a perfect solution for people.

Awesome hunt! best of luck

Great hunt @pele23

The permament match is an awesome match-reliable, safety, eco-friendly and re-usable. Price is also affordable. Easy to caary in your pocket. Amazing one!!!

This is amazing because it can be reused over 15000 times and it don't need any gas or fuel. It can make fires easily. Great product.

over 1500 strike, damn dis is indeed powerful. What may be the cost, i think i need get my hand on one. Good thing is that they dont look bulky at all.

The permanent match is capable of burning 15 thousand times. Lighter in the form of key. A great product that you can take anywhere you want. Very easy to use. In nature you will now know the fire collar without difficulty.

Wow so nice mate I really dont like to use matches because of throwing them but this hunt stops it and make matches much more convenient thanks for sharing.

WOW, A match that can be re-used over 15000 times!. This is epic and game changer. Superb hunt.

Hiii @pele23, There is no doubt that your created hunt "The permanent match." is unique & environmental friendly,

A great idea and technology used behind this latest match which can be re-used over 15000 times. Now we are able to get rid of gas lighters and sulfur material used for lighting fires due to this innovation. Thanks for sharing.

This is epic hunt and can be very helpful specially in third world countries. I loved this product.

This lighter is something that understands my wallet. I also like the fact that the design is fine and it can be used as a key holder. It seems to be safer than ordinary lighters using gas.

This product has been around for quite some time now so its not really new, but still a great product and good for everybody who otherwise would use regular lighters. For 10$ this match with over 15000 strikes is a very good deal...great Hunt!!!

The permanent match A perfect solution of billions of people from around the globe. Indeed a great invention. Love it

Very interesting that those matches work over 15000 times. This is a really good gift and present. Good Hunt!!!

Wow .. So this will be reused again again and again, this is so cool and will be cost efficient , this is so cool a hunt here

15,000 times is huge. Then it has a long lifetime. Longer life than it is more ecologically. Nice hunt

This is really interesting thinking it can be re-used over 15,000 times. With its size, such a handy device and we can save gas by using this one.

Great hunt @pele23 This is an amazing invention. Its environmentally friendly and can be use up to 15000 strikes. The design is cute and can use as keychain.

excellent hunting, at any time we need fires, and this is a super practical way to have it at hand, you can use more than 15000 times, just hit this bump and so this humid environment, so it makes super cool, its design is fantastic. great hunting

I have this product for a long time. Its practical indeed. I dont think it is durable 15000 times of use but it is working indeed. By the way the price tag on the website is too high I bought it less than a dolar on aliexpress. Good hunt!

Amazing hunt, I think this is very interesting. I wanna buy it right now.
fresh idea


an amazing product because it has features and some of these benefits:

  • environmentally friendly solution for lighting a fire.

  • A good replacement for gas using normal matches and sulfur matches.

  • Great design, as a key ring or "lighter" display.

  • discoveries that can save lives in critical situations.

  • Only one strike and it lights up!

  • Can be reused for years, more than 15,000 strikes!

I think it is an amazing idea to advance the match facility for domestic usage. 15000 times means 2-3 years for me easily. On the other hand it is eco-friendly Wow!

Such an incredible hunt <3

Wow perfect for camping days because with 15000 strikes its hard not to have a nice fire around.

It's really very attractive and wonderful invention in the shape of permanent match that is the best solution for lightning fire. beautiful design and very easy to use for many times.

Wow this is an innovative and amazing product. 15000 times available and eco-friendly is a great product.

Thanks @pele23 this hunt is great.

compact and easy to carry
reusable up to 15,000 strikes
has the design of a key chain

none that I can see. I want one!

It is a great innovation, it has an interesting design and it is easy to use. I am glad that technology evolves every day. Cheers

The simplest thing are the best. This is interesting. Everyone has been in a situation when he needed a match. The old one doesn't work, the gas is out etc. This is very practical. If only our predecessors had something like it, thousands of years ago :)

Wonderful search with a totally unique idea. It is really well deserved placing at No 1. I must say it is a revolutionary device.

Very interesting concept. It can be really life-saver in many survival situations. Thank you for this hunt, keep it going and steem on!

wow, this is really cool! I am going to have to try to find where to buy one of these for my bug out bag. Thanks for sharing.

A match that could last longer than a Zippo lighter. If still smoked, I would get one. Lol!

great product pretty good since it has a reusable use that not many coss have great hunting

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