Math Tricks Workout - Train your Brain to Master on Math!

in #steemhunt5 years ago (edited)

Math Tricks Workout

Train your Brain to Master on Math!



Hunter's comment

This app contains huge tricks and tips to learn math. You can find different equations to solve to test your brain. Also they provide some amazing tricks to visualize the math and solve it fast.
Great for students or any math enthusiast to develop their brain power and solve any math instantly.
Check out for more details on their site-


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A big number of students find Mathematics really uninteresting and that's why score very low grades. This app seems to help them do good in this subject. There are some easy hacks, trick and tips that can help the weak students get the job done with little extra effort. I just loved the idea. great hunting @rem-steem

You said it very correct. Practicing some tricks, methods and being able to solve the math by visualizing it surely gonna increase the brain power.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Math is my favorite subject. It is a nice app to refresh your mathematical skill which I forgot after keeping away from math couple of decades. Thanks for sharing

Good to know you were good at math. I used to hate math. Ha ha ha.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

I wish I could get this app once I was reading maths in my college time. I must day, this is a nicest app to learn some good tips and tricks related to maths.

Math is a difficult subject for many students out there. They really need to sharp their minds for learning maths with ease. Very nice hunting

This can help us to understand math logic better. Surely gonna help students.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Math is intresting but it's not easy to understand well. Math needs concentration and hard work. Amazing tricks to visualize the math and solve it fast really works great

Yeah it's true. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Math is something that either people love or absolutely hate well this app definitely help users to make their math skills shine there is plenty to do in app from simple games to really challenging speed drills & every exercise will improve users math skills to me it's a great app for enhancing your abilities & there is a free version available too so i definitely recommend checking that out first. Nice Search

That's true. I hate math but was good solving it. Practicing some tricks can improve our understanding and problem solving skills.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Like other brain is also a muscle, you can train and strengthen by practice.
The thing I learnt about maths is it's just practice and technique.
Math Tricks Workout seems like a nice app to achieve efficacy in mathematics.
Great Hunt!!!

Yeah the idea is to give your brain muscle some pump by practicing math tricks.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

I am looking for as an excercise to sharpen my math skills. very useful and powerful that incease brain function speed it really works.

Yeah it really looks useful. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Helpful app. It has now become my morning routine to paly with this and brush up my calculations then further do everything else. It guides you perfectly from zero level toaster level in calculation. UI is also makes it more interesting.

Good to know that you are already using this. I am also thinking to give it a try.

Posted using Partiko Android

@rem-steem, this is a cool app. This app is great especially when I am terrible at math and I can use this to learn to solve many math problems. It is a good educational tool. Also like the fact that it gives you the tips and path of how to solve them faster and easier. I believe math is like this. Not so straightforward yet if you understand the logic behind, you can get them solve much faster. Great hunt.

That's very true. This app can help to understand math logic and help to memorize different shortcuts.
Thanks that you liked it. I really appreciate your attention. @rosatravels

Posted using Partiko Android

@ rem-steem Hello dear friend. excellent find How good it would have been to have this application in my time of study, it would have served a lot. I have children of school age and the teaching mode is not good, all these tools to contribute in developing the minds of the children are welcome, and to mark it to pass it to my son. Felivitaciones por el excelete caceria
Thank you very much for teaching us the existence of this app.
I wish you a happy hunt

This app is for 10 years and above kids. You can see how helpful it can be for your kid later.
As the modern days are going advanced day by day so we need this type of tools for developing ourselves. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

This spam is courtesy of @fulltimegeek! A real piece of shit who flags manual curation projects like @themadcurator because he's a spiteful cunt!!!

Wao what a great and interesting hunt. I totally appriciate your effort. You find best and perfect app for students who weak in mathematics. I m also little bit weak in maths. Math is very difficult subject. This app gives you very easy tips to learn maths very easily. This app helps you to solve maths problems very easy and fast. This app helps you to improve your skills. You mind automatically solve maths problems. Really very cool hunt. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for your nice review.

Posted using Partiko Android

It always nice to see new and intriguing ways for learning math :)
This one look nice an polished. Visualization is half the job.

Yeah that's true. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

I love educational apps as it helps to develop our skills along with some fun and action, This is a game designed to improve your math skills and learn new and easy tricks. Build especially for students over 10 years , but useful for adults too. This helps to improve our analytical skills too.
Nice hunt

Yeah, I also agree that it can help improve our math skill.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think I will just passed this over to my little niece. I am not good in maths but I can pretty handle this

That's a great choice to help kids learn maths easily. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

I always have problem with mathematics and I think I just found an easy way to learn it. I always like puzzle games which makes your brain sharp. Thanks for sharing this hunt, I recommend this one to every student specially kids so that they get the basics of mathematics.

Sounds great that you think this is recommendable. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Ouuh...I imagine if in the past I have this app, maybe I'll be the 1# in my class. That's really awesome to treat our brain being mathematics advance. Cz math is the solution for everyone get branded of their personality. That's the app for major math or just any categories of sub mathematics?

I totally agree with your understanding. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

hmmm everyone must be sharp in maths tips and tricks because I know maths ticks puzzles and all the related things are always fun. so surely i wanna recommend this app to all new students. they must practice all these tricks

Thanks for your nice review.

Posted using Partiko Android

Math is not as easy as your think. But when you practice daily to hone your skills in math then it could be possible that you will be one of the top performers in your class. This application, aims to hone and train your brain on solving skills.

Yeah that's right.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting application. In fact, the study of mathematics will not be learned in this way, but on the one hand someone might be interested in this way. I think that I can use the problems of this application as a play with my friends.

It's more for fun and development of problem solving ability than study. You are surely try this.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a pretty interesting application. In fact, I do not like the science of mathematics, but the way to solve these problems is good. Maybe I can spend an interesting time with my nephews with this app. I want to download the app.

Yeah, sure. This app contains family games too. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

math is a great work time subject in any other sector.If we cannot do math practices regularly we do not improve our i need to do math practice regularly or other work gap time.So i think it is more useful app for me.I also use this app and recommended other.Thanks for shearing.

Yeah it's true that math is a much needed thing in our daily life. I can't do simple maths without calculator. This app can increase the ability to solve problem eventually.
Thanks for your nice review.

Posted using Partiko Android

Mathematics, despite being a fascinating subject, has not enjoyed much receptivity in the students. And this is basically because of the way it is dealt with in schools. An interactive application, current and very especially creative, can be the solution for mathematics to become one of the favorite subjects of students, or at least not to postpone it in their school year. Download this application now!

Oh, sounds great that you find this helpful. It's true this interactive app can help us understand math better.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great app to keep yourself in metal shape! it's been so long since I stopped doing metal math that I was making a lot of mistakes but the improvements didn't take long to show. Thanks for sharing this wonderful app

It really can help us to re-memorize our math skill. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm very weak at math. Although My ssc result was also bad for mathematics. I think we should learn books lessons to cover our knowledge. But this app will help us to manage our limitations to use different kinds of tricks.

You surely can improve your ability as this app can help you to understand the logic and memorize them.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

At last I got my desire apps. I am very weak in math but looking this apps features I am very much confident I will master of Math in one day. I want to give thanks @rem-steem introduce fanatastice Apps for Math.

Mastering on math in one day sounds crazy! But you can learn different shortcuts, methods easily here.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

math application that is very useful forour children who are hard to learn. because with this application children love learning because it is more exciting

Exactly. It's best for kids from 10 years and above. This app can help on their study and exam preparation as what they are saying.

Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for sharing this, I don't have much ability in solving mathematics and am also writing jamb this year and Mathematics is one of the subject that I register for...

Then you can try this to see whether it really can help you or not.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

This spam is courtesy of @fulltimegeek! A real piece of shit who flags manual curation projects like @themadcurator because he's a spiteful cunt!!!

It's a great app to get kids interested in math again. I think one of the reasons a lot of kids do poor in math is because they are intimidated by it. This app looks like it could help solve that. The math tricks, for example, is a good way to simplify complicated math problems and make them easier to understand for young kids. This way, when kids grow up they will be more confident when they have to tackle the more difficult math subjects, which I still find intimidating. Thanks for sharing this.

This app also contains some game type problem solving. They are saying that the whole family can take part on it. Surely it can increase the ability.
Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

They need things like this in schools more. Maths is so stale and boring these days, and there are always more interesting and fun ways to learn

It's true. This can bring life to maths. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

Personally, I find it a wonderful application that works in a fun way to learn math, to use for quick and easy access. I love competitive games to keep my math skills under control.

Thanks for your nice review.

Posted using Partiko Android

Cool app to learn Math the fun way. It's also very handy and the app itself seems easy to navigate. Would be really awesome for both students and math hobbyists. I wish I have this app when I was studying. Great hunt!:D

Yeah, that's true. Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android

So educatational app
We can learn a lot by use this app

Thanks for your attention.

Posted using Partiko Android


Posted using Partiko Android


You can run, you can hide but you can escape from math. Lol.

Posted using Partiko Android


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