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RE: Steemit webcomic contest: Terror at the fruit section

Thanks for the link! I already have that program. I also have another that my sister gave me which she uses to draw and one to make pixel art, too. She insists that I use it, but I'm a mess working in layers, haha. After practice with Paint, I plan to work with some of those programs although I would like a graphic tablet because it would be easier than fighting with my mouse, but for now ,it's impossible for me to buy one.


Well, a couple more posts like the last one that curie picks up and you may be able to afford one. keep it going, you might even do a series with the tomato, that I'm a fruit is classic.

You make it sound so easy, haha. I've never done a series. Normally, my comics are one shot, but who knows, maybe terror at the fruit section will have a second part :P

LOL, well I could probably never do it so I don't think it's easy. It is much easier to say something than to do it.