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RE: Comic Cover Contest: Fullmetal Alchemist + ER

Beautiful comic cover @yardne, the emergency of Dr Ross is to repaired the terminator :P?
It very cool way on how you present this drawing with an animation and a link on steps by steps drawing. Dr Ross was very outstanding with his blue shirt. You took how long to complete this cover?


Thanks! :)
Yes, maybe Dr. Ross will repair the poor Terminator who is missing his skin and is perhaps severly injured :P
I like to animate the process, it shows very well the development.
Hm.. I don't know exactly, but it were several evenings(+ nights that followed)

hehehe terminator with skin @yardne. I love your imagination. I do agreed animate the process could show the process better than using image.

Hm.. I don't know exactly, but it were several evenings(+ nights that followed)

But the hard work paid off with the curie vote. You really deserve it.