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RE: Why It Doesnt Make Sense To Upvote...

in #steemit7 years ago

I actually think being able to upvote yourself is a great idea. Sometimes people create content and it doesn't get the attention or upvotes that they feel it should just because of the sheer volume of Steemit postings and they are able to pay themselves for the work they did. I don't think anyone should work at the total disposal of other people's control. There will always be people that take advantage of any and everything. That is no reason to ban everyone from features that they are not abusing.


This for sure is being abused. I can guarantee it. Everytime you upvote someone else your vote is worth less and less. Wouldnt you only upvote yourself? Tell me why it makes sense for me to upvote someone else?

No one can tell someone else what makes sense to them, but everyone is obviously not just upvoting themselves. If that is what you decide you want to do, this is an open platform and you are free to do that. I enjoy upvoting content that interest me and I will continue to do that.

thats what this site should be all about. Rewarding those that deserve it. Not rewarding yourself because you deserve it. How many more upvotes would be going around if people were dumping $20 upvotes on their own posts. How many more people would be happy creating more content? The number of active users is steadily declining and I believe its because of this flawed system

I don't agree, sorry. If people want to cheat the system they will find a way. People who feel they should be paid, should be paid. They studied this platform before it was built and plenty of thought went into why it was designed this way. Do you think that if people could not vote for themselves -- and wanted money from Steemit, they wouldn't just create another account and pay themselves that way? This way, people can do whatever they want to do. And I prefer it that way.