STEEMIT CEO @ned / Ned Scott today after HF 19!! Thanks Ned! | Hard Fork 19 Gains! | June 20th, 2017

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The Forkening is Here! Thanks @ned! Our Steemit Dad! LOL.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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Please note -- I will have limited internet access for awhile -- so PLEASE do not be upset that I cannot reply right away, or to everyone. I am dealing with some changes, and will have limited time online and will be happy if I get a few blog posts up a week.

WooW cool features!

Forkened!! :O)

LOL, bro, I have a few memes up today, being happy and whatnot, I have to leave the house for a few hours shortly, stop by the others if you have time, @lordvader did and graced us there with his dark side!

I have been pretty happy with the results so far, I took some screenshots before and after HF19

Triple is about right in a lot of cases for sure, thanks for chiming in man!!

Followed. Awesome blog!

I don't know if this was good idea! I am happy and sad at the same time! I hope I am wrong .. Cheers!

Haha good one...resteemed

Good to see your posts hitting triple digits now brother - you deserve it :) We've been here since 6 cents. Our time is now.

You know some of the fav. comments I get to read in a week, are from people like you who know the struggles and problems we have faced on here, and come thru the trenches.

My latest milestone post went up a couple hours ago too.

I hope you are doing well and enjoying some quality time... always!

We know that pain brother. We know that pain.

Did you see the last 2 posts on @joseph's page????

  • he is running another round now, / contest and I won a trip to Portugal to Steemfest - go have a look, comment, enter, etc!!

I would like to see you there!

Damn son ! We are all screaming like a little girls !
Here i made $80 on 1 comment

This is ridiculous!!

Holy cow! That's great man--- good for you!!!!!!


Steemit is our own private money printing machine

Thank you, Ned! You're making millions happy. More Karma points to you.

Upped and resteemed!

Nice post.. please upvote and folliw me

@barrydutton great post keep on steeming bro and uploading great content

welcome piranha :D

ned is the best ever .Thanks for sharing @barrydutton

thanks for posting

The doggy gif is class!

Just joined the community yesterday and excited to have experienced my first HF! Onward and upward. Following!

Welcome, followed!!

Right back at ya! Enjoy the day.

So it happened today

Good job !!! Thanks

I resteem this post.

Thank you @ned so many good minnows were giving up, and thank you @barrydutton for sharing this haha

Woohoo. Awesome. Thanks Barry! Not only for what you have done for me but for everything you do here in Steemit. You are truly a great motivator and leader in here. Proud to be one of your followers!!! :)

Its great pleasure for all of us...that we have a great surprised for today...It motivate us to do good work and forget it...And hope that the result will be Amazing... like today Hard Fork 19...


We all must bow down to our leader Ned!

Your post really expresses the sentiment of most, if not all of us! Thanks for sharing, @barrydutton


I just realized Ned looks kinda like James Franco.

Nice post. Thanks for sharing all this good news.

That poor animals neck... I hope he'll be alright.

Don't talk about necks, it reminds me of both our sports injuries man


What happened on your end?

I think I was mentioning on that post to you my last year in pro training camp I almost lost an eye with a fastball fouled off back into my face.

But that is one of many injuries in sports, you likely know what I mean, part of the games we play.

Well Im glad you still have your eye and I still have my head, although my boss might tell you different 🙁


Thanks a lot for the feedback here and lately from you buddy !!

My latest milestone post is up today if you want a read.....

😃; LOL rewards seems to be always welcomed.

I'm beginning to find reports of security (and other challenging) issues for steemit.