Sins of Commission vs Sins of Omission

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Well hello there Steemian friends!

Feeling a bit introspective and was thinking a bit about the disconnect some have between whining about issues and doing nothing about it versus those who can whine about issues then do something about it. It must be very tiresome to always be a fence sitter who doesn't quite know which way to move when the winds blow. It must be exhausting having to have entire volumes of excuses to spew on why hiding behind others and burying your head in the sand is sadly rather the "norm".

I am not a Bible thumper but I certainly can see and acknowledge evil in all the myriad of forms it comes in. Two wrongs do not make a right and an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind but doing nothing is just.......sad.
“Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin” (James 4:17).

So I leave to you dear readers a challenge to write in the comments below your take on how doing nothing (or having those in power do nothing) IN the face of glaring negativity has impacted your life both online and off. I will be leaving a few 100% upvotes on ones that seem to hit the nail on the head regarding this topic.

(celebquote, gifer, me myself and I, Portrait by @elgeko)


@battleaxe This worth thinking about. .. my opinion is many of us think if I'm not doing something that is bad I feel I am very good. But you know that there are some individual that develop bad character as there duty to even assist you and make you good. Let me come again... People doing bad thing to make you good.. does that sound horrible? Some politicians embezzle money and give you that money for you to live and happy life... And to challenge them we find it difficult... We have to willing take stand and say no to every wrong doing and that is what make us good.. that just my little contribution.

images (4).jpeg

I say no to wrong doing, I won't keep quiet

^ BOOM , that......
that's what separates wheat from chaff in humanity imho

Do you want to do good because in your heart there is love and therefore you are not concerned with your own fulfillment?

I feel an empty glass quenches nobody but most people are mostly good most of the time ...would prefer to think that way personally

In as much people around are fine and in good state my mission is accomplish... Doing good is an act of love... Helping other in this regard is the most important thing. One love brotherly

The looters always split the loot. So of course socialists want to split the stolen money with the "people" so people wont say no to free money, until they start making enough money for themselves to not need this fucking socialist handouts. Africans on Steem are a perfect example of this especially Ghana and Nigeria, where the people there have been able to quit welfare and work for themselves making more in one day than 3 years of welfare. Fuck those self-destructive assholes and any socialist promoting that death cult. We should flag all socialists on steem and not let them spread their shitty ideas. I swear if Steem ever begins to turn into Golos with honest to god communism in the cyberspace flesh, i will powerdown. The day I see any socialism on trending and we dont flag it, well, we know steem is over. We have a huge fight on our hands. Socialist banks have a lot of stolen fiat and a lot of printing presses, and they might buy steempower and the use it to promote SHITTY ideas and start PAYING socialists to "talk' and "promote socialism as value" and im already vommitting just thinking about it ahhh fuck just imagine the "Socialist curation guilds" fucking Socialist bid bots, fuck im probably giving them ideas because theyre so stupid and un productive they cant think of any good ideas for themselves. That is why I will create the socialist bid bots and curation guilds TO TAG the socialists so we ALL KNOW who is a host of the parasite, we will mark them like bots, just like steemplus does, here, i drew up a mockup of a system we can use, a chrome extension, like steemplus, which we can use to identify socialists on the blockchain, because WE HAVE THE RIGHT to KNOW. Just like how we have the right to know when a user is a Human, Bot or has been clearly tagged as a spammer... well if enough people tag someone as a socialist I WANNA KNOW ABOUT IT ,

I dont CARE if its accurate or not, Ill find that out myself! If someone claims they ARENt a socialist but the Any Rand Algorithm tags them as one, theyll have to explain why, and the truth may be that they just arent aware of their own socialistic tendencies like if we catch them un ironically arguing for socialism, and its not a joke, well, that will go in the system and accumulate and maybe people will learn that arguing for taxation "sometimes" ( @inertia 's magic eraser tool ) or arguing that we maybe DO need SOME socialized healthcare is actually just them being socialistic as there is no compromise. Maybe the one case someone gets tagged socialistic without really being a socialist would BE the people Joking about it to prove a point heh I could see the bot mistaking them as socialists but see, thats why we wont actually DO anything to the peopel we tag, it wont be used for flagging, that is for the individual to decide, but this is just information we GIVE to individuals so they can better make their own decisions, THATS All. Toi argue against this, just because your a socialist, is to act like thees something WRONg with it! if you do agree with it you should be proud and want everyone to know! Why HIDE it unless you KNOW is wrong? ;)

and so one day no one will even accept fiat for crypto ... you will just have to earn your crypto...

im serious.. one day no one will accept fucking stinking worthless paper at ALL no matter HOW much one has.... WHo wants to deal with a wheelbarrel of cash to get $3.68 USD?

In the face of escalating negativity, spreading a little positivity will do no harm. And I think the positive, good people outweigh the negative and fence sitters by far. The future I bright.

Amen! Can I get a witness?

Oh wait! You are a witness....

But in all sincerity, I agree that positivity will prevail.

a very good witness, lots are...... another new witness has my vote is @sapphic
I have a lot of empty slots left but would rather they are empty then go against meh grain, thanks for commenting @tamala

I hope you're right.

I enjoy optimistic people as I'm a bit more of the most are fence sitters ......but I digress ;)

You dear friend are an exception to many of the rules and an exceptional WITNESS, have a strong feeling your star is on the rise due to the fact you SPEAK UP AND OUT for the peeps and have a moral compass not whirling every which way cause God Forbid you stand up,
@c0ff33a FOR WITNESS

I think for anyone who can think for themselves, deal with pacification and willful ignorance from the masses. For me, constantly being told to not speak the truth and not to stand up for our rights at work and in the USA has really given me a jaded outlook on life. Most are living comfortably in fear and encourage most to do the same, just to keep the lights on, food on the table and water flowing. Im praying for sustainable solutions like local economies/currencies (crypto is fine🙊) to help this mess.


Good morning!

omg, I wanttttt....flower of life cinnamon buns


It's orange 😸

Shhh dont tell anyone its not organic...

Where can i find this seriously

Don't tell anyone a union guy is shopping at Walmart... Just know you don't have to show your receipt its your property and Walmart has to prove you have stolen before checking your personal property.

^this , just LOL
Orange Rolls rock even if they are not organic, gluten free , fair trade etc....

So do you not let them check your receipt at Costco @dynamicgreentk?

I've never had the cajones to just say no 😂

Understanding a fact may cause disturbance, it does not necessarily bring joy.

We want comfort, and that is what we are seeking.

We are disturbed by the fact and we want to be pacified. This pacification we call understanding.

some can withstand an amount of discomfort to see justice prevail, understanding and being disturbed by it or not is up to the individual if they will act or not act upon that

For the greater good! One of us, one of us...


Oh gurlll... That is amazing!!! I hope there is a hot fuzz 2. Wait, is there one?

Some want comfort and some want Truth. The quest for truth can be extremely objectionable in a dualistic world where it seems everything has a double meaning. I love the term 'mirror world' coined by @theouterlight. Pacification is a form of societal control to suppress the people and their will in lieu of the few in control of our societies to remain in control. I mean wait did you see the new Katy Perry music Video? Like oh my gawd she is a goddess.

The power part of it is real. I've seen wrong and known that saying something would achieve nothing against the wrong, but knew it would cause me great harm. In those situations, a gentle prod can often help get people looking/thinking in the right direction.

More personally, I've been dealing with a rare disorder most of my life. Few doctors will even accept me as a patient. My choices are few and the care is very substandard. Most recently, I had a doctor read the wrong test results to me. My cognitive function waxes and wanes. Being in a low point at the time, I couldn't understand what he was saying. When next I was able, I read the results myself and realized it was completely the wrong test. I notified the doctor immediately, but have been ignored for more than a week. No communication back from him or his office at all. We all know this is wrong. I need these test results, but have no idea if I'll ever get them. I could appeal to the state, but they would see this as a minor issue and my doctor would "fire" me as a patient.

The lack of power when seeing wrong can be very limiting. In some situations, we can all band together to act as a more powerful entity. The risk involved in such an act leaves many sitting on their fence.

there are enough rogues on here that band together and will band together when needed, some are vocal and some are not but there are many more then people realize ,it's the deafening silence that keeps others on their knees imho

Chaotic good/True neutral for me :D
If I ever have super powers, Lawful Good sounds like a good time. From where I stand, it's just an easy way to die.

You really need to dig deep in the non-FDA realms, the Medical Industrial Complex in America will just kill you slowly... I have built one device that really kicks ass, and have the blueprints for another. Very interesting stuff outside of the FDA's "oversight"


Colloidal Silver is the most prominent, and I've not even alluded to that yet ;)

Thanks to all the negativity I have more time to buy steem. See you on the moon 🅱️

lol, no joke
I'm already on the moon

I feel it is necessary to think negatively. If you grasp this you will see that negative thinking implies no effort, whereas positive thinking does imply effort, effort being conflict, in which is involved achievement, suppression, denial. :)

people can be all kumbaya and unicorn farts as the world burns
thinking in negative terms is necessary imho in this place
you don't have to believe in the void for it to stare back atcha'

Kumbaya and unicorn farts

A phrase for the ages! 😂😂😂

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You are talking about that battle, what is going on for ages in this stream of human consciousness ... between good and evil...the ugly, deep, hatred a real intent to hurt people...

The negation of this grudge, this negation of violence and the negation of the continuity of this violence, that negation of it is the good.

It's like "draining the swamp" ... and when you are stuck in this swamp then it's like an organized disorder that rejects the good... as you called it "disconnect" disconnected from the good...

I find the disconnect and apathy and justification of "just doing my job and that's how it's done" more vile then half the stuff supposed leaders say they are fighting against

Evil feeds on the disconnected...and in that way, this river, this stream of human consciousness will be more and more polluted... and more and more turn a blind eye, become disconnected.

You are really a battleaxe cutting through all this mess... :)


@dynamicrypto just got a great shot of an assassin fly predator which is a beneficial insect that eats flies! Keep your eyes peeled for it @everyone or i mean @here... I hope some other discord server isnt mad that all the attention is not on them now... Just kidding. Until the bug on leaf post happens @dynamicrypto has a behind the scenes video from @dlive from the ufc fight... There might be a nip shot in there...

You got a 3.13% upvote from @upme thanks to @battleaxe! Send at least 3 SBD or 3 STEEM to get upvote for next round. Delegate STEEM POWER and start earning 100% daily payouts ( no commission ).

by not doing evil makes you a good person? Maybe, but you're right in the middle. what really makes the difference is to go further and do good.

Now, we definitely can not ignore when someone is doing the wrong thing because that would be an accomplice and would not stop the problem.

We can see it in another way: the "bad" is a grass, that if you do not take action and cut it. You will see it grow more and more. you have to take action.

it's the fence sitters who allow themselves to be pulled by strings who will make or break this platform
the basis of this post is to have a dialogue on the culture of steemit and which way it slides or climbs

This post has received a 5.42 % upvote from @boomerang.

This post has received a 8.20 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @underground.