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RE: Introducing the Steem Defender Bot. Designed to Protect Steem From Economic Collapse and Support Minnow Growth (Article)

in #steemit7 years ago

Can you tell us about this aspect of your scheme?

✅ Earn 50$ worth of steem power to get started with by joining the EN Steem Team. By joining you also benefit from the advanced academy, our trending post boosting service, upvotes, resteems and support from our entire community (including the EN whale).

✅ It costs 100$ worth of Keys or Keys Credits to join the Steem Guild. Send the Keys to [email protected] and fill out the form below to get started.

Sounds pretty suspicious to me...

I'm really glad you paid to have this post put on the trending page. It's getting a lot of great visibility.


We would love to show you what we do and what were really on about over a phone or video call @berniesanders.

The Earth Nation Steemit Guild is a designed to support content creators in earning a basic living income through Steem. We have several layers with which we do this.

  1. Education.
    This steemit academy is a free general overview. We have an advanced academy and we are developing an Academy for writers/content creation/content curation/content formatting/audience and keyword targeting.

  2. Community Support. We hold globally attendable zoom meetings several times a week to educate and support our guild members with live training, Q&A and general love and support.

  3. Cross-Liking. Our guild members give 7 votes a day towards upvoting each other. We have a custom software system to make this process automatic. 2 times a day everyone upvotes the main EN Whale. The other 5 votes are spent on 5 guild members who's time it is to get boosted. Members get upvoted every 1-2 weeks currently. When a member gets upvoted, every member of our guild upvotes them with full power.

  4. Cross-Resteeming. Each guild member resteems Guild Content 3 times a week. The first resteem is an EN Whale posting. The 2nd and 3rd resteems are of other guild members. Anytime a post is resteemed it is also upvoted by everyone.

  5. Curation. Before any content is upvoted or resteemed, it is curated, proof-read and edited by our writers team to ensure the highest quality content with positive perspectives.

  6. Post Syndication. We currently use zapier, streemian, buffer, and wordpress pluggins to automatically syndicate with post formating our guild members posts to social media sites and wordpress blogs agross the internet. Within weeks we will have a custom application that makes this process a simple 3 step task with unlimited sharing and smart post content formating. This software will be part of the guild automation suite.

I am not very happy to know about the abusive behaviors of @earthnation toward using bots and the reward pool.

However, I do see value in the idea of implementing the influence measure to steemit accounts.

I believe that the advantages from such implementation are worth considering because (in my opinion)

* They will prevent circle and feedback-loop upvotes between whales and Co.

* They will prevent automated votes on the same accounts just for the sake of higher curation rewards, without bothering to read the contents.

* They will prevent @earthnation and others from abusing bot votes to the extreme (if at all)

Now whether @earthnation does this programing/implementation to steemit blockchain or not, is another issue to be discussed. I am sure steemit has lots of good programmer who are able to make such changes without depending on @earthnation. since people don't seem to trust them very much.

You have started the very wrong way. People are getting fed up with abuse of reward pools and are very ready to attack anyone that does it openly to get attention.
Maybe you were doing this without malicious intent, it will be hard now to get back the respect and trust of steemit. Yet, hard doesnt mean impossible to correct with hard work and sincerity. So, don't make it impossible by continuing on the same path you started with.


You have collected your daily Power Up! This post received an upvote worth of 0.15$.
Learn how to Power Up Smart here!

Honestly, I get 15 of those requests a day, 14 of which are more enticing than yours.

My suggestion is that you start making whatever it is you're doing a little more transparent to the community here on Steemit because right now you're looking pretty scammy and those usually don't last long here.

What details would you like @berniesanders? We will happily answer any questions you have. I posted a short summary as to our guild services below.

As you read this, were working on developing more services for steem. We were considering making this defender bot swarm next... However that doesn't seem like a very popular idea right now :p.

Instead, were going to keep focusing on our post distribution system to empower steemians to share their posts easily to other forms of social media.